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  1. ...synthesis and 53 Page 2 of 23 3 glycogen storage (Assimacopoulos-Jeannet, et al. 1995; Guo 2014; He, et al. 2009; Horton, et 54 al. 1998; Koo, et al. 2005) (Figure 1). 55 2. IRS1 and IRS2 play a key role in mediating insulin’s effect on the regulation of 56 glucose metabolism. 57 Both IRS1 and IRS2 ~~~
  2. ...synthesis and quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) Total RNA was extracted from gill filaments by the TRI Reagent procedure according to the manufacturer’s protocol. RNA concentration and purity were assessed by spectrophotometric absorbance (Nanodrop 1000, Thermo Scientific). First strand cDNA was ~~~
  3. ...synthesis and secretion. These distinct mechanisms induced by T3 can occur simultaneously, even though non-genomic effects are promptly elicited and precede the genomic actions, coexisting in a functional network within the cells. Nuclear thyroid receptors and the gene expression regulation Most of ~~~
  4. ...synthesis of CRH and miR-212, we  thought that regulation of miR-212 on CRH expression and HPA axis activity was prompt and efficient. Therefore, we proposed that once exposed to stress, a switch is turned on to activate the HPA axis but at the same time, a fuse (which miR-212 seems to be) is trigge ~~~
  5. ...synthesis (Mizushima & Komatsu 2011, Feng et al. 2015). In cancer, autophagy is known as a doubleedged sword with both cancer-promoting and cancerinhibiting features. By its role as a survival mechanism in hypoxic, nutrient-deprived or otherwise threatening conditions, autophagy promotes resistance ~~~
  6. ...synthesis and subsequent second-strand synthesis in the presence of dUTP for strand marking. The double-stranded cDNA was 3ʹ-A tailed and indexed, Illumina-compatible adapters were ligated. The libraries were then enriched by highfidelity PCR amplification (13 cycles) with KAPA HiFi HotStart DNA Pol ~~~
  7. ...) proIAPP (red) synthesised in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is transported to the Golgi through the cytoplasm. If aberrant folding or transcription/translation occurs, misfolded molecules are targeted (UPR) by ubiquitination for degradation via the proteasome. proIAPP is packaged in the Golgi ~~~
  8. ...synthesis with SuperScriptTM III reverse transcriptase and Oligo(dT)12–18 primers (Invitrogen Canada, Inc.). Transcript abundance of cldn-8b (GenBank accession # BK008770.1; forward: ACGACTCCCTCCTGGCTCT and reverse: GAGACCCATCCGATGTAGA; predicted amplicon size 185 bp), cldn-8c (GenBank accession # B ~~~
  9. ...synthesis of these steroid hormones (steroidogenesis) involves multiple pathways, as well as sequential actions of steroidogenic Journal of Molecular Endocrinology (2017) 59, 269–283 Correspondence should be addressed S Azhar Email [email protected] Key Words f steroidogenesis f StAR f microRNA f ~~~
  10. ...synthesis of OXT and OXTR in human placenta tissue according to gestational age. A total of 48 placentas were divided into early preterm, late preterm and term groups depending on gestational age, and expression of OXT and OXTR was evaluated. First, OXT and OXTR mRNA and protein were detected in nor ~~~
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