• Made available online as an Accepted Preprint 11 February 2010
  • Accepted Preprint first posted online on 11 February 2010

The puzzling uniqueness of the heterotrimeric G15 protein and its potential beyond hematopoiesis

  1. Giulio Innamorati3
  1. Department of Experimental Medicine, University of Milano-Bicocca, Monza 20052, Italy
    1Section of Hematology, Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine
    2Section of Anatomic Pathology, Department of Pathology
    3Section of Immunology, Department of Pathology, University of Verona, Verona 37134, Italy
  1. (Correspondence should be addressed to G Innamorati; Email: giulio.innamorati{at}univr.it)


Heterotrimeric G proteins transduce the signals of the largest family of membrane receptors (G protein-coupled receptors, GPCRs) hence triggering the activation of a wide variety of physiological responses. G15 is a G protein characterized by a number of functional peculiarities that make its signaling exceptional: 1) it can couple a variety of Gs-, Gi/o-, and Gq-linked receptors to phospholipase C activation; 2) relatively to other G proteins, it is poorly affected by β-arrestin-dependent desensitization, the general mechanism that regulates GPCR function and 3) at the protein level, its expression is only detected in highly specific cell types (hematopoietic and epithelial cells). G15 α-subunit displays unique structural and biochemical properties, and is phylogenetically the most recent and divergent component of the Gαq/11 subfamily. All these aspects shed a mysterious light on G15 biological role, which remains substantially elusive. Thus, far, G15 signaling has been analyzed in the context of hematopoiesis. Here, we highlight observations supporting the view that G15 functions may extend further beyond the immune system. In addition, we describe puzzling aspects of G15 signaling that offer a novel perspective in the understanding of its physiological role.

  • Revision received 23 January 2010
  • Accepted 11 February 2010
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