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Journal of Molecular Endocrinology, Vol 29, Issue 1, 23-39
Copyright © 2002 by Society for Endocrinology


Quantification of mRNA using real-time reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR): trends and problems

SA Bustin

The fluorescence-based real-time reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR) is widely used for the quantification of steady-state mRNA levels and is a critical tool for basic research, molecular medicine and biotechnology. Assays are easy to perform, capable of high throughput, and can combine high sensitivity with reliable specificity. The technology is evolving rapidly with the introduction of new enzymes, chemistries and instrumentation. However, while real-time RT-PCR addresses many of the difficulties inherent in conventional RT-PCR, it has become increasingly clear that it engenders new problems that require urgent attention. Therefore, in addition to providing a snapshot of the state-of-the-art in real-time RT-PCR, this review has an additional aim: it will describe and discuss critically some of the problems associated with interpreting results that are numerical and lend themselves to statistical analysis, yet whose accuracy is significantly affected by reagent and operator variability.

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Gene expression profiling reveals the profound upregulation of hypoxia-responsive genes in primary human astrocytes
Physiol Genomics, May 16, 2006; 25(3): 435 - 449.
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Rapid and Sensitive Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction Method for Detection and Quantification of 3243A>G Mitochondrial Point Mutation
J. Mol. Diagn., May 1, 2006; 8(2): 225 - 230.
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COX2 in a euryhaline teleost, Fundulus heteroclitus: primary sequence, distribution, localization, and potential function in gills during salinity acclimation
J. Exp. Biol., May 1, 2006; 209(9): 1696 - 1708.
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A Continuous Dietary Supply of Free Calcium Formate Negatively Affects the Parietal Cell Population and Gastric RNA Expression for H+/K+-ATPase in Weaning Pigs
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Normalizing genes for quantitative RT-PCR in differentiating human intestinal epithelial cells and adenocarcinomas of the colon
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Identification of the Acidobacterium capsulatum LexA box reveals a lateral acquisition of the Alphaproteobacteria lexA gene.
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Multiplex degenerate PCR coupled with an oligo sorbent array for human endogenous retrovirus expression profiling
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Tumor epithelial cell matrix metalloproteinase 9 is a target for antimetastatic therapy in colorectal cancer.
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Gender difference in the activity but not expression of estrogen receptors {alpha} and {beta} in human lung adenocarcinoma cells.
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Absence of histamine-induced nitric oxide release in the human radial artery: implications for vasospasm of coronary artery bypass vessels
Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol, March 1, 2006; 290(3): H1182 - H1189.
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Two Genes from Soybean Encoding Soluble {Delta}9 Stearoyl-ACP Desaturases
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Stability of housekeeping genes in alveolar macrophages from COPD patients
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A Single-Tube Nucleic Acid Extraction, Amplification, and Detection Method Using Aluminum Oxide
J. Mol. Diagn., February 1, 2006; 8(1): 16 - 21.
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Partial Feed Restriction Decreases Growth Hormone Receptor 1A mRNA Expression in Postpartum Dairy Cows
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Diagnosis of Hepatitis A Virus Infection: a Molecular Approach
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Identification of Valid Housekeeping Genes and Antioxidant Enzyme Gene Expression Change in the Aging Rat Liver
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The Putative Tumor Suppressor Cdx2 Is Overexpressed by Human Colorectal Adenocarcinomas
Clin. Cancer Res., December 15, 2005; 11(24): 8549 - 8556.
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Regulation of the chondroitin/dermatan fine structure by transforming growth factor-{beta}1 through effects on polymer-modifying enzymes
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The Alternative Oxidase of Plant Mitochondria Is Involved in the Acclimation of Shoot Growth at Low Temperature. A Study of Arabidopsis AOX1a Transgenic Plants
Plant Physiology, December 1, 2005; 139(4): 1795 - 1805.
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Cochlear function in mice with only one copy of the prestin gene
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TaqMan Real-Time Reverse Transcription-PCR and JDVp26 Antigen Capture Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay To Quantify Jembrana Disease Virus Load during the Acute Phase of In Vivo Infection
J. Clin. Microbiol., November 1, 2005; 43(11): 5574 - 5580.
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Expression of the Antiapoptotic Gene Seladin-1 and Octreotide-Induced Apoptosis in Growth Hormone-Secreting and Nonfunctioning Pituitary Adenomas
J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab., November 1, 2005; 90(11): 6156 - 6161.
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NHE3 in an ancestral vertebrate: primary sequence, distribution, localization, and function in gills
Am J Physiol Regulatory Integrative Comp Physiol, November 1, 2005; 289(5): R1520 - R1534.
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Induction of branchial ion transporter mRNA expression during acclimation to salinity change in the euryhaline crab Chasmagnathus granulatus
J. Exp. Biol., October 1, 2005; 208(19): 3627 - 3636.
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Carotenoid Transport Is Decreased and Expression of the Lipid Transporters SR-BI, NPC1L1, and ABCA1 Is Downregulated in Caco-2 Cells Treated with Ezetimibe
J. Nutr., October 1, 2005; 135(10): 2305 - 2312.
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