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Account administrator only:

How to view or change your Subscription Information
What to do if you forget your Customer Number
How to change the administrator User Name and/or Password
What to do if you forget the administrator User Name and/or Password

Usage reports:

View your institutional usage reports for Journal of Endocrinology
View your institutional usage reports for Journal of Molecular Endocrinology
View your institutional usage reports for Endocrine-Related Cancer

Member subscriptions:

Society for Endocrinology members are entitled to FREE online access to SfE journals via the SfE website.
European Society for Endocrinology members are entitled to online access to SfE journals at a reduced rate via the ESE website.
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Individual subscriptions:

There are no individual rate subscriptions to SfE journals. Please recommend these journals to your institutional library and/or join one of the Societies mentioned above.
If you have questions about your online access, please contact:
Society for Endocrinology
Bradley Stoke BS32 4JT, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1454 642220
Fax: +44 (0)1454 642222
Office hours are 0900 to 1700, UK time

Managing your subscription to SfE journals in print
For assistance with your print subscription, please contact our distributor.