Searching journal content for thyroid (as phrase) in full text.

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  1. ...of Clinical Medicine and Surgery, Federico II University, Naples, Italy 6 2. Section of Endocrinology and Internal Medicine, Department of Medical Sciences, University of 7 Ferrara,Via Aldo Moro 8, 44124 Cona Ferrara, Italy 8 3. IOS & COLEMAN Srl, Naples, Italy 9 4. Thyroid and Parathyroid Surgery Unit ~~~
  2. .... 2008 Secondary mutations as a mechanism of 484 cisplatin resistance in BRCA2-mutated cancers. Nature 451 1116-1120. 485 Sarwar R, Mahjabeen I, Bashir K, Saeed S & Kayani MA 2017 Haplotype based analysis of 486 Page 22 of 36 23 XRCC3 gene polymorphisms in thyroid cancer. Cellular Physiology ~~~
  3. ...1 2 Running title: 3 ROS-induced w-CIN in thyroid cancer 4 + 5 6 Willem E. Corver, Joris Demmers, Jan Oosting, Shima Sahraeian, Arnoud Boot, Dina Ruano, 7 Tom van Wezel and Hans Morreau 8 9 Department of Pathology 10 Leiden University Medical Center 11 P.O. Box 9600, Building 1, L1-Q 12 2300 RC ~~~
  4. ...) refers to the autosomal dominant neuroendocrine 7 tumour syndromes, MEN type 2A (MEN2A) and MEN type 2B (MEN2B). They are typified by the 8 development of medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC), phaeochromocytoma and parathyroid 9 hyperplasia in MEN2A, and MTC, phaeochromocytomas, ganglioneuromatosis ~~~
  5. ...Published by Bioscientifica Ltd. Printed in Great Britain 2017 Society for Endocrinology DOI: 10.1530/ERC-17-0229 24:11 Research A Ashtekaretal. Sdhd loss promotes thyroid cancer 10.1530/ERC-17-0229 AmrutaAshtekar1, DanielleHuk1, AlexaMagner1, Krista ~~~
  6. ...Original Research 1 2 Differentiated thyroid cancer: Millions spent with no tangible gain? 3 4 Running title: Increase in DTC incidence and thyroidectomy 5 6 Luis Furuya-Kanamori PhD , Professor Art Sedrakyan PhD 2,3 , Adedayo A. Onitilo PhD , 7 Nasser Bagheri PhD2, Professor Paul Glasziou PhD5 ~~~
  7. ...cells, but can also trigger a myriad of autoimmune 11 side effects, termed immune-related adverse events (irAEs). In particular, there are a 12 number of endocrine related irAEs. Current data from clinical trials show increased 13 incidence of hypophysitis with CTLA4 inhibition and thyroid dysfunction ~~~
  8. ..., Meir Medical Center, Tchernichovsky 59, Kfar-Saba 6997801, Israel. E-mail: [email protected] Short title: THE CYTOCIDAL EFFECTS OF TETRAC IN MM Keywords: Integrin, myeloma, thyroid hormone derivatives Word counts: 5221 Abstract: 194 Page 1 of 40 Accepted Preprint first posted on 10 October 2017 ~~~
  9. ...stroma, immunity 16 17 Word count (excluding references): 5984 18 19 20 Page 1 of 38 Accepted Preprint first posted on 20 September 2017 as Manuscript ERC-17-0303 Copyright 2017 by the Society for Endocrinology. 2 Abstract 21 Medullary thyroid carcinomas (MTC) arise from thyroid parafollicular ~~~
  10. ...DOI: 10.1530/ERC-17-0192 2017 Society for Endocrinology Printed in Great Britain Published by Bioscientifica Ltd. 24:11 Review I M Goemannetal. Thyroid hormones and neoplasias 10.1530/ERC-17-0192 IuriMartinGoemann1, MirianRomitti1, ErikaLSouzaMeyer2 ~~~
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