Searching journal content for carcinoma (as phrase) in full text.

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  1. ..., including those arising from 80 the gastroenteropancreatic tract and the bronchopulmonary area, which represent the majority, but 81 also pheocromocytomas/paragangliomas, medullary thyroid carcinoma, Merkel cell carcinoma of 82 the skin, and (even if data are controversial) pituitary and parathyroid ~~~
  2. 428 cisplatin. Critical Reviews in Toxicology 40 347-359. 429 Claerhout S, Verschooten L, Van Kelst S, De Vos R, Proby C, Agostinis P & Garmyn M 2010 430 Concomitant inhibition of AKT and autophagy is required for efficient cisplatin-induced 431 apoptosis of metastatic skin carcinoma. International ~~~
  3. vitro findings in clinical samples and searched for the sequence of whole-97 Page 5 of 59 chromosome gains or losses in the progression of oncocytic thyroid follicular adenoma to 98 carcinoma. 99 100 Page 6 of 59 METHODS 101 102 Patient material 103 Selection of cases: SNP-array and flow cytometric DNA ~~~
  4. ...) refers to the autosomal dominant neuroendocrine 7 tumour syndromes, MEN type 2A (MEN2A) and MEN type 2B (MEN2B). They are typified by the 8 development of medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC), phaeochromocytoma and parathyroid 9 hyperplasia in MEN2A, and MTC, phaeochromocytomas, ganglioneuromatosis ~~~
  5. ...subunits of SDH can lead to PHEO, PGL, renal cell carcinoma, gastrointestinal stromal tumor, thyroid cancer and breast cancer (Bardella et al. 2011, Xiaoetal.2012, Letouze etal. 2013, Millan-Ucles etal. 2014, Williamson etal. 2015). Dysfunction of these metabolic enzymes has provided new insight ~~~
  6. ...and androgen injection on serum phosphatases in metastatic carcinoma of the 478 prostate. CA Cancer J Clin 22 232-240. 479 Jeong Y & Mangelsdorf DJ 2009 Nuclear receptor regulation of stemness and stem cell 480 differentiation. Exp Mol Med 41 525-537. 481 Jeong Y, Xie Y, Lee W, Bookout AL, Girard L, Raso G ~~~
  7. ...increasing (Sung et al., 2014, 65 Ahn and Welch, 2015). For example, DTC overdetection in small papillary carcinomas is 66 leading to unnecessary thyroidectomies with no real survival advantage delivered to patients 67 (Davies and Welch, 2006, Enewold et al., 2011). After surgery most patients would require ~~~
  8. ...of different cancers by the United States Food and Drug 33 Administration (FDA) including: melanoma, non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), head 34 and neck cancer, renal cell carcinoma, urothelial cancer, merkel cell carcinoma, 35 Hodgkins lymphoma, and mismatch-repair deficient cancers (Table 1). Of note, 36 ~~~
  9. ...insulin-like growth factor regulates the liver stromal response to 354 metastatic colon carcinoma cells. Oncotarget. 355 Page 15 of 25 Fitzmaurice GM, Laird NM & Ware JH 2012 Applied longitudinal analysis: John Wiley & Sons. 356 Friedenreich CM, Neilson HK, Woolcott CG, McTiernan A, Wang Q, Ballard ~~~
  10. ..., Yamamura Y, Kau S, Bevers T, Strom S, Patangan M, Hsu L, Krishnamurthy S, 508 Theriault R & Hortobagyi G 2005 Thyroid hormone and breast carcinoma. Primary 509 hypothyroidism is associated with a reduced incidence of primary breast carcinoma. Cancer 510 103 1122-1128. 511 Dalamaga M, Karmaniolas K ~~~
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