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Contents: February 1982, Volume 92, Number 2   [Index by Author]       Other Issues:  
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DJ Heaf, M El-Sayed, B Phythian, J Carroll, and J Glover
Effect of artificial photoperiods on plasma thyroxine-binding prealbumin and retinol-binding protein in Japanese quail
J Endocrinol 1982 92: 163-173.  

J Biro
Thyroid-stimulating antibodies in Grave's disease and the effect of thyrotrophin-binding globulins on their determination
J Endocrinol 1982 92: 175-184. [Abstract]  

FC Wu, IA Swanston, TB Hargreave, and DT Baird
Human testis does not secrete oestrone sulphate
J Endocrinol 1982 92: 185-194. [Abstract]  

AA Zaidi, B Froysa, and E Diczfalusy
Biological and immunological properties of different molecular species of human follicle-stimulating hormone: electrofocusing profiles of eight highly purified preparations
J Endocrinol 1982 92: 195-204.  

P Singh-Asa, G Jenkin, and GD Thorburn
Effects of hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase inhibitors on in-vitro and in-vivo steroidogenesis in the ovine adrenal gland
J Endocrinol 1982 92: 205-212. [Abstract]  

AI Frankel and WW Wright
The hemicastrated rat: definition of a model for the study of the regulation of testicular steroidogenesis
J Endocrinol 1982 92: 213-223. [Abstract]  

AI Frankel and EJ Mock
A study of the first eight hours in the stabilization of plasma testosterone concentration in the hemicastrated rat
J Endocrinol 1982 92: 225-229. [Abstract]  

EJ Mock and AI Frankel
Response of testosterone to hemicastration in the testicular vein of the mature rat
J Endocrinol 1982 92: 231-236. [Abstract]  

GA Lincoln, OF Almeida, H Klandorf, and RA Cunningham
Hourly fluctuations in the blood levels of melatonin, prolactin, luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, testosterone, tri-iodothyronine, thyroxine and cortisol in rams under artificial photoperiods, and the effects of cranial sympathectomy
J Endocrinol 1982 92: 237-250.  

V Stolc and J Knopp
Divergent phases of responsiveness of thyroid hormone biosynthesis to exogenous thyroid-stimulating hormone in the postnatal rat
J Endocrinol 1982 92: 251-260.  

OF Almeida
Hypothalamic secretion of thyrotrophin releasing hormone is decreased in male Japanese quail exposed to long daily photoperiods
J Endocrinol 1982 92: 261-265. [Abstract]  

L Caligaris and BT Donovan
Lack of effect of treatment with oestrogen in advancing puberty in the guinea-pig
J Endocrinol 1982 92: 267-271. [Abstract]  

DJ Bliss and CJ Lote
Prolactin release in response to infusion of isotonic or hypertonic saline
J Endocrinol 1982 92: 273-278. [Abstract]  

HF Urbanski and BK Follett
Sexual differentiation of the photoperiodic response in Japanese quail
J Endocrinol 1982 92: 279-282. [Abstract]  

I Nordback, T Joensuu, and P Tuohimaa
Effects of glucocorticoids and disodium cromoglycate on avidin production in chick tissues
J Endocrinol 1982 92: 283-291. [Abstract]  

JS Gale, JS Wakefield, and HC Ford
Isolation of rat Leydig cells by density gradient centrifugation
J Endocrinol 1982 92: 293-302. [Abstract]  

TR Hall
Neurotransmitter effects on release of prolactin and growth hormone in vitro from pituitary glands of the pigeon, Columba livia
J Endocrinol 1982 92: 303-308. [Abstract]  

NM Biswas, PK Ghosh, and OW Neuhaus
Effect of corticosterone on serum concentrations of alpha 2 micro-globulin and on spermatogenesis in oestrogen-treated rats
J Endocrinol 1982 92: 309-314. [Abstract]  

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