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Contents: September 1981, Volume 90, Number 3   [Index by Author]       Other Issues:  
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NR Adams
Characteristics of oestrogen-induced refractoriness in ovine cervical secretion
J Endocrinol 1981 90: 309-314. [Abstract]  

EA Linton, N White, O Lira de Tineo, and SL Jeffcoate
2-hydroxyoestradiol inhibits prolactin release from the superfused rat pituitary gland
J Endocrinol 1981 90: 315-322. [Abstract]  

EJ Keenan, PA Klase, and JA Thomas
Interaction between prolactin and androgens in the accessory sex organs of male mice
J Endocrinol 1981 90: 323-330. [Abstract]  

JJ Evans, FJ White, and IL Sin
Concentration and relationship to progesterone of progesterone-binding globulin in pregnant guinea-pigs: measurement by progesterone tracer binding assay
J Endocrinol 1981 90: 331-335. [Abstract]  

MW Brinsmead, BJ Bancroft, GD Thorburn, and MJ Waters
Fetal and material ovine placental lactogen during hyperglycaemia, hypoglycaemia and fasting
J Endocrinol 1981 90: 337-343. [Abstract]  

KA Elias and CA Blake
Effects of oestradiol, hypothalamic extracts and luteinizing hormone releasing hormone on rat anterior pituitary gland gonadotrophin release in vitro before and after the preovulatory luteinizing hormone surge at pro-oestrus
J Endocrinol 1981 90: 345-354. [Abstract]  

J Rabii, F Buonomo, and CG Scanes
Role of serotonin in the regulation of growth hormone and prolactin secretion in the domestic fowl
J Endocrinol 1981 90: 355-358. [Abstract]  

J Robinson, BJ Merry, ME Lightfoot, and AK Hall
Dynamics of progesterone metabolism in the pseudopregnant rat
J Endocrinol 1981 90: 359-366. [Abstract]  

HG Wolfe, A Bartke, A Amador, M Van Sickle, S Dalterio, and D Brown
Testicular function in strains of mice selected for differences in gonadotrophin-induced ovulation
J Endocrinol 1981 90: 367-373. [Abstract]  

KP McNatty, M Gibb, C Dobson, and DC Thurley
Evidence that changes in luteinizing hormone secretion regulate the growth of the preovulatory follicle in the ewe
J Endocrinol 1981 90: 375-389. [Abstract]  

R Webb and GE Lamming
Patterns of plasma prolactin in post-partum suckled cows
J Endocrinol 1981 90: 391-396. [Abstract]  

C Jean-Faucher, M Berger, M De Turckheim, G Veyssiere, and C Jean
Effects of dense housing on the growth of reproductive organs, plasma testosterone levels and fertility of male mice
J Endocrinol 1981 90: 397-402. [Abstract]  

LA Meserve and JH Leathem
Development of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal response to stress in rats made hypothyroid by exposure to thiouracil from conception
J Endocrinol 1981 90: 403-409. [Abstract]  

AT Holder, MA Preece, and M Wallis
Effect of glucocorticoids, butanol extraction of serum and adrenalectomy on somatomedin levels in the rat
J Endocrinol 1981 90: 411-420. [Abstract]  

TC Hamilton, P Davies, and K Griffiths
Androgen and oestrogen binding in cytosols of human ovarian tumours
J Endocrinol 1981 90: 421-431. [Abstract]  

S Franks, GR Merriam, CG Goodyer, and F Naftolin
Stimulation of release of luteinizing hormone from cultured pituitary cells by 2- and 4-hydroxylated oestrogens
J Endocrinol 1981 90: 433-436. [Abstract]  

AR Goldsmith, C Edwards, M Koprucu, and R Silver
Concentrations of prolactin and luteinizing hormone in plasma of doves in relation to incubation and development of the crop gland
J Endocrinol 1981 90: 437-443. [Abstract]  

DJ Edwards, JJ Rimmer, MJ Atkinson, and AD Perris
Changes in plasma levels of calcium and in bone marrow mitosis after antigenic challenge in rats and mice
J Endocrinol 1981 90: 445-452. [Abstract]  

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