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Contents: February 1981, Volume 88, Number 2   [Index by Author]       Other Issues:  
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BW Hollis, HH Draper, JH Burton, and RJ Etches
A hormonal assessment of bovine parturient paresis: evidence for a role of oestrogen
J Endocrinol 1981 88: 161-171. [Abstract]  

P Melin, H Vilhardt, G Lindeberg, LE Larsson, and M Akerlund
Inhibitory effect of O-alkylated analogues of oxytocin and vasopressin on human and rat myometrial activity
J Endocrinol 1981 88: 173-180. [Abstract]  

FA Laszlo, T Janaky, L Balaspiri, and JL Morgat
Biological half-life and organ distribution of [3H]1-deamino-8-D-arginine-vasopressin in the rat
J Endocrinol 1981 88: 181-186. [Abstract]  

Bourke, JR, KL Carseldine, SH Ferris, GJ Huxham, and SW Manley
Changes in membrane potential of cultured porcine and human thyroid cells in response to thyrotrophin and other agents
J Endocrinol 1981 88: 187-196. [Abstract]  

RG Gosden, JA Russell, J Clarke, I Piper, and AS McNeilly
Effects of inhibiting prolactin secretion on the maintenance of embryonic diapause in the suckling rat
J Endocrinol 1981 88: 197-203. [Abstract]  

JC Kermode, BD Thompson, and CJ Edmonds
Comparison of binding of bovine and human thyroid-stimulating hormone to receptor sites on human thyroid membranes
J Endocrinol 1981 88: 205-217. [Abstract]  

IC Green, S El Seifi, D Perrin, and SL Howell
Cell replication in the islets of langerhans of adult rats: effects of pregnancy, ovariectomy and treatment with steroid hormones
J Endocrinol 1981 88: 219-224. [Abstract]  

U Verma and KR Laumas
Fate of progesterone in the plasma and various tissues of anaesthetized rabbits
J Endocrinol 1981 88: 225-232. [Abstract]  

MA Blankenstein, E Mulder, JJ Broerse, and HJ van der Molen
Oestrogen receptors in rat mammary tissue and plasma concentrations of prolactin during mammary carcinogenesis induced by oestrogen and ionizing radiation
J Endocrinol 1981 88: 233-241. [Abstract]  

AM van Dijk, TB van Wimersma Greidanus, JP Burbach, ER de Kloet, and D de Wied
Brain adrenocorticotrophin after adrenalectomy and sham-operation of rats
J Endocrinol 1981 88: 243-253. [Abstract]  

R Ghanadian and CM Puah
Relationships between oestradiol-17 beta, testosterone, dihydrotestosterone and 5 alpha-androstane-3 alpha, 27 beta-diol in human benign hypertrophy and carcinoma of the prostate
J Endocrinol 1981 88: 255-262. [Abstract]  

R Massa and PJ Sharp
Conversion of testosterone to 5 beta-reduced metabolites in the neuroendocrine tissues of the maturing cockerel
J Endocrinol 1981 88: 263-269. [Abstract]  

DM Findlay, M deLuise, VP Michelangeli, and TJ Martin
Independent down-regulation of insulin and calcitonin receptors on a human tumour cell line
J Endocrinol 1981 88: 271-281. [Abstract]  

S Handwerger, A Grandis, S Barry, and MC Crenshaw
Stimulation by ornithine of ovine placental lactogen secretion
J Endocrinol 1981 88: 283-288. [Abstract]  

PA Gilles and HJ Karavolas
Effect on ovulation of 20 alpha-hydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one and its 5 alpha-reduced metabolites in immature rats treated with pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin
J Endocrinol 1981 88: 289-292. [Abstract]  

GP Moore, BA Panaretto, and D Robertson
Effects of epidermal growth factor on hair growth in the mouse
J Endocrinol 1981 88: 293-299. [Abstract]  

A Speight, R Popkin, AG Watts, and G Fink
Oestradiol-17 beta increases pituitary responsiveness by a mechanism that involves the release and the priming effect of luteinizing hormone releasing factor
J Endocrinol 1981 88: 301-308. [Abstract]  

SC Wilson and FJ Cunningham
Effects of an anti-oestrogen, tamoxifen (ICI 45,474), on luteinizing hormone release and ovulation in the hen
J Endocrinol 1981 88: 309-316. [Abstract]  

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