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Contents: October 1980, Volume 87, Number 1   [Index by Author]       Other Issues:  
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JY Bertholet
Proliferative activity and cell migration in the adrenal cortex of fetal and neonatal rats: an autoradiographic study
J Endocrinol 1980 87: 1-9. [Abstract]  

JF Tait, SA Tait, JB Bell, PJ Hyatt, and BC Williams
Further studies on the stimulation of rat adrenal capsular cells: four types of response
J Endocrinol 1980 87: 11-27. [Abstract]  

J Shani, G goldhaber, Y Givant, and Y Koch
Demonstration of prolactin-releasing activity in the pigeon
J Endocrinol 1980 87: 29-35. [Abstract]  

LA Lucas and BE Eleftheriou
Circadian variation in concentrations of testosterone in the plasma of male mice: a difference between BALB/cBy and C57BL/6By inbred strains
J Endocrinol 1980 87: 37-46. [Abstract]  

K Mountjoy, EA Cowden, JW Dobbie, and JG Ratcliffe
Prolactin receptors in the rat kidney
J Endocrinol 1980 87: 47-54. [Abstract]  

P Peczely, G Pethes, and P Rudas
Interrelationship between thyroid and gonadal function in female Japanese quail kept under short and long photoperiods
J Endocrinol 1980 87: 55-63. [Abstract]  

M Kumegawa, N Maeda, T Yajima, T Takuma, E Ikeda, and C Minamide
L-Thyroxine, cortisol and diet affect the level of amylase in the parotid gland of developing rats
J Endocrinol 1980 87: 65-71. [Abstract]  

SF Queener, NH Bell, SM Larson, DP Henry, and E Slatopolsky
Comparison of the regulation of calcitonin in serum of old and young Buffalo rats
J Endocrinol 1980 87: 73-80. [Abstract]  

AK Slob, MP Ooms, and JT Vreeburg
Prenatal and early postnatal sex differences in plasma and gonadal testosterone and plasma luteinizing hormone in female and male rats
J Endocrinol 1980 87: 81-87. [Abstract]  

SF Pang, HS Yu, HC Suen, and GM Brown
Melatonin in the retina of rats: a diurnal rhythm
J Endocrinol 1980 87: 89-93. [Abstract]  

G Delitala, T Yeo, A Grossman, NR Hathway, and GM Besser
A comparison of the effects of four ergot derivatives on prolactin secretion by dispersed rat pituitary cells
J Endocrinol 1980 87: 95-103. [Abstract]  

H Kohda, T Mori, Y Ezaki, T Nishimura, and A Kambegawa
A progesterone-dependent step in ovulation induced by human chorionic gonadotrophin in immature rats primed with pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin
J Endocrinol 1980 87: 105-107. [Abstract]  

DB Avrith, MJ Wiselka, and JT Fitzsimons
Increased sodium appetite in adrenalectomized or hypophysectomized rats after intracranial injections of renin or angiotensin II
J Endocrinol 1980 87: 109-112. [Abstract]  

AL Fowden
Effects of adrenaline and amino acids on the release of insulin in the sheep fetus
J Endocrinol 1980 87: 113-121. [Abstract]  

A Ratner, GK Weiss, and CR Sanborn
Stimulation by beta 2-adrenergic receptors of the production of cyclic AMP and progesterone in rat ovarian tissue
J Endocrinol 1980 87: 123-129. [Abstract]  

FC Leung, HT Chen, SJ Verkaik, RW Steger, JJ Peluso, GA Campbell, and J Meites
Mechanism(s) by which adrenalectomy and corticosterone influence prolactin release in the rat
J Endocrinol 1980 87: 131-140.  

M Shirota and S Sasamoto
Progesterone levels after induction of ovulation in dioestrous rats
J Endocrinol 1980 87: 141-146. [Abstract]  

PA Fields and LH Larkin
Enhancement of uterine cervix extensibility in oestrogen-primed mice following administration of relaxin
J Endocrinol 1980 87: 147-152. [Abstract]  

DG Judson, S Pay, and KD Bhoola
Modulation of cyclic AMP in isolated rat uterine tissue slices by porcine relaxin
J Endocrinol 1980 87: 153-159. [Abstract]  

S Harvey, BJ Merry, and JG Phillips
Influence of stress on the secretion of corticosterone in the duck (Anas platyrhynchos)
J Endocrinol 1980 87: 161-171. [Abstract]  

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