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Contents: April 1979, Volume 81, Number 1   [Index by Author]       Other Issues:  
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JL Vandalem, C Bodart, G Pirens, J Closset, and G Hennen
Development and application of homologous radioimmunoassays for porcine gonadotrophins
J Endocrinol 1979 81: 1-10. [Abstract]  

RJ Barkey, J Shani, and D Barzilai
Regulation of prolactin binding sites in the seminal vesicle, prostate gland, testis and liver of intact and castrated adult rats: effect of administration of testosterone, 2-bromo-alpha-ergocryptine and fluphenazine
J Endocrinol 1979 81: 11-18.  

RE Silman, D Holland, T Chard, PJ Lowry, J Hope, LH Rees, A Thomas, and P Nathanielsz
Adrenocorticotrophin-related peptides in adult and foetal sheep pituitary glands
J Endocrinol 1979 81: 19-34. [Abstract]  

BN Perry, A McCracken, BJ Furr, and HJ MacFie
Separate roles of androgen and oestrogen in the manipulation of growth and efficiency of food utilization in female rats
J Endocrinol 1979 81: 35-48. [Abstract]  

LW Eddie, HW Baker, RE Higginson, and B Hudson
A bioassay for inhibin using pituitary cell cultures
J Endocrinol 1979 81: 49-60. [Abstract]  

ID Herriman, DJ Harwood, CB Mallinson, and RJ Heitzman
Plasma concentrations of ovarian hormones during the oestrous cycle of the sheep and cow
J Endocrinol 1979 81: 61-64. [Abstract]  

RG Dyer
Electrochemical deposition of iron onto rat oxytocinergic neurones does not result in milk-ejection
J Endocrinol 1979 81: 65-73. [Abstract]  

BD Greenstein
Androgen receptors in the rat brain, anterior pituitary gland and ventral prostate gland: effects of orchidectomy and ageing
J Endocrinol 1979 81: 75-81. [Abstract]  

MR Alison and NA Wright
Testosterone 5 alpha-reductase activity as related to proliferative status in mouse accessory sex glands
J Endocrinol 1979 81: 83-92. [Abstract]  

DJ Hill, P Davidson, and RD Milner
Retention of plasma somatomedin activity in the foetal rabbit following decapitation in utero
J Endocrinol 1979 81: 93-102. [Abstract]  

K Yamashita, M Mieno, and E Yamashita
Suppression of the luteinizing hormone releasing effect of luteinizing hormone releasing hormone by arginine-vasotocin
J Endocrinol 1979 81: 103-108. [Abstract]  

S Sasamoto, S Harada, and K Taya
Prolonged release by dioestrous rats of follicle-stimulating hormone during the period of ovulation induced by luteinizing hormone releasing hormone
J Endocrinol 1979 81: 109-118.  

N Al-Nuaimi, P Davies, and K Griffiths
Purification of the cytoplasmic oestrogen receptor from mammary tumours induced in rats with dimethylbenzanthracene
J Endocrinol 1979 81: 119-130. [Abstract]  

WA Luqman, LA Matej, and ML Smith
Comparison of prolactin levels in human semen and seminal plasma
J Endocrinol 1979 81: 131-133. [Abstract]  

WJ Fulkerson and BY Tang
Ultradian and circadian rhythms in the plasma concentration of cortisol in sheep
J Endocrinol 1979 81: 135-141. [Abstract]  

MJ Humphrey, WE Lindup, J Chakraborty, and DV Parke
Effect of carbenoxolone on the concentrations of aldosterone in rat plasma and kidney
J Endocrinol 1979 81: 143-151.  

DM Robertson and B Froysa
Effect of storage on the bioactivity of two international reference preparations of human pituitary luteinizing hormone in vitro
J Endocrinol 1979 81: 153-155. [Abstract]  

AK Hall and J Robinson
Functional luteolysis in the pseudopregnant rat: effects of prostaglandin F2 alpha and 16-aryloxy prostaglandin F2 alpha in vitro
J Endocrinol 1979 81: 157-165. [Abstract]  

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