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Contents: November 1978, Volume 79, Number 2   [Index by Author]       Other Issues:  
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MA de Larminat, A Monsalve, EH Charreau, RS Calandra, and JA Blaquier
Hormonal regulation of 5alpha-reductase activity in rat epididymis
J Endocrinol 1978 79: 157-165. [Abstract]  

DR Robertson
Diurnal variations in the influence of the ultimobranchial glands on calcium homeostasis in the frog (Rana pipiens)
J Endocrinol 1978 79: 167-178. [Abstract]  

MK Sanyal
Secretion of progesterone during gestation in the rat
J Endocrinol 1978 79: 179-190. [Abstract]  

NS Whitworth and CE Grosvenor
Transfer of milk prolactin to the plasma of neonatal rats by intestinal absorption
J Endocrinol 1978 79: 191-199. [Abstract]  

F Di Carlo, C Reboani, G Conti, and E Genazzani
Changes in the concentration of uterine cytoplasmic oestrogen receptors induced by doxorubicin and methotrexate
J Endocrinol 1978 79: 201-208. [Abstract]  

JC Meijer, GH Mulder, A Rijnberk, and RJ Croughs
Hypothalamic corticotrophin releasing factor activity in dogs with pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism
J Endocrinol 1978 79: 209-213. [Abstract]  

B Koch, B Lutz-Bucher, B Briaud, and C Mialhe
Specific interaction of corticosteroids with binding sites in the plasma membranes of the rat anterior pituitary gland
J Endocrinol 1978 79: 215-222. [Abstract]  

CA Wilson, JC Hadley, D Gilbert, and AS McNeilly
Steroidal control of the release of the preovulatory surge of luteinizing hormone in the rat
J Endocrinol 1978 79: 223-234. [Abstract]  

CA Finn and L Martin
Effects of a long-acting progestin on reproductive function in female mice
J Endocrinol 1978 79: 235-238. [Abstract]  

A Bartke, M Mason, S Dalterio, and F Bex
Effects of tamoxifen on plasma concentrations of testosterone and gonadotrophins in the male rat
J Endocrinol 1978 79: 239-240.  

G Beraud and M Audrain
Possible neonatal imprinting of luteinizing hormone feedback by testosterone in male rats
J Endocrinol 1978 79: 241-242.  

HA Robertson, GJ King, and JA Carnegie
Appearance of oestrone sulphate in the allantoic fluid of the cow
J Endocrinol 1978 79: 243-244.  

M Pawlikowski, J Kunert-Radek, and H Stepien
Direct antiproliferative effect of dopamine agonists on the anterior pituitary gland in organ culture
J Endocrinol 1978 79: 245-246.  

CF Farver, D de Wied, and PT Toivola
Effect of corticotrophin on cortisol secretion in castrated rhesus monkeys
J Endocrinol 1978 79: 247-248.  

JF Knudsen, LJ Litkowski, TL Wilson, HD Guthrie, and SK Batta
Concentrations of hydrogen ions, oxygen, carbon dioxide and bicarbonate in porcine follicular fluid
J Endocrinol 1978 79: 249-250.  

VV Patwardhan and A Lanthier
Effect of luteinizing hormone on the concentration of cyclic GMP in rabbit ovaries
J Endocrinol 1978 79: 251-252.  

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