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Contents: December 1977, Volume 75, Number 3   [Index by Author]       Other Issues:  
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R Massa, L Cresti, and L Martini
Metabolism of testosterone in the anterior pituitary gland and the central nervous system of the European starling (Sturnus vulgaris)
J Endocrinol 1977 75: 347-354. [Abstract]  

A Suzuki, T Mori, and T Nishimura
Formation of steroid hormones in vitro by developing corpora lutea of the rabbit
J Endocrinol 1977 75: 355-361.  

E Johnson and JT Leask
Metabolism of testosterone by forehead skin of the roebuck (Capreolus capreolus)
J Endocrinol 1977 75: 363-372. [Abstract]  

J-M Garel and A Jullienne
Plasma calcitonin levels in pregnant and newborn rats
J Endocrinol 1977 75: 373-382.  

LG Clemens and BA Gladue
Effect of prostaglandin E2 on masculine sexual behaviour in the rat
J Endocrinol 1977 75: 383-389. [Abstract]  

BR Smith, GA Pyle, VB Petersen, and R Hall
Interaction of thyrotrophin with the human thyrotrophin receptor
J Endocrinol 1977 75: 391-400. [Abstract]  

BR Smith, GA Pyle, VB Petersen, and R Hall
Interaction of thyroid-stimulating antibodies with the human thyrotrophin receptor
J Endocrinol 1977 75: 401-407. [Abstract]  

IR McDonald and SD Bradshaw
Plasma corticosteroids and the effect of adrenocorticotrophin in a macropodid marsupial (Setonix brachyurus, Quoy & Gaimard)
J Endocrinol 1977 75: 409-418.  

HM Meijs-Roelofs and P Kramer
Effects of adrenalectomy on the release of follicle-stimulating hormone and the onset of puberty in female rats
J Endocrinol 1977 75: 419-426. [Abstract]  

H van Baelen, G Vandoren, and P de Moor
Concentration of transcortin in the pregnant rat and its foetuses
J Endocrinol 1977 75: 427-431. [Abstract]  

JH Leathem and NM Appel
Adrenal and gonadal glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity in ageing rats
J Endocrinol 1977 75: 433-434.  

AK Waters
Augmentation of vasopressin antidiuresis by prolactin with a note on the contamination of International Standard prolactin
J Endocrinol 1977 75: 435-436.  

JJ Jacobs and RD Peppler
Effect of chronic adrenalectomy and/or unilateral ovariectomy on ovulation in the rat
J Endocrinol 1977 75: 437-438.  

EV Younglai, DC Collins, and CE Graham
Progesterone metabolism in the female gorilla
J Endocrinol 1977 75: 439-440.  

A Bartke, C Roberson, and S Dalterio
Concentration of gonadotrophins in the plasma and testicular responsiveness to gonadotrophic stimulation in androgen-deficient C57BL/10J mice
J Endocrinol 1977 75: 441-442.  

J Rychter and H Stepien
Effects of pimozide and bromocriptine on the proliferation of rat pituitary pars intermedia cells
J Endocrinol 1977 75: 443-444.  

VV Patwardhan and A Lanthier
Pathways for the biosynthesis of oestradiol in the rabbit ovarian follicle in vitro
J Endocrinol 1977 75: 445-446.  

JB Williams and PJ Sharp
A comparison of plasma progesterone and luteinizing hormone in growing hens from eight weeks of age to sexual maturity
J Endocrinol 1977 75: 447-448.  

JE Wheaton, TI Raabe, and MJ Burrill
Characteristics of the ovulatory release of luteinizing hormone in Finn, Finn x Suffolk and Suffolk ewes
J Endocrinol 1977 75: 449-450.  

M Thibier and O Rolland
Levels of testosterone and luteinizing hormone in the plasma of young post-pubertal bulls after injection of human chorionic gonadotrophin or dexamethasone and human chorionic gonadotrophin
J Endocrinol 1977 75: 451-452.  

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