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Contents: January 1969, Volume 43, Number 1   [Index by Author]       Other Issues:  
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JJ Brown, RH Chinn, G Dusterdieck, R Fraser, AF Lever, JI Robertson, and M Tree
Estimation of plasma potassium, renin and aldosterone in the diagnosis of primary hyperaldosteronism; the role of spironolactone in the treatment of this syndrome
J Endocrinol 1969 43: iv.  

GG Geyskes and F Schwarz
Changes in the distribution of water and sodium, during steroid treatment of patients with adrenocortical insufficiency
J Endocrinol 1969 43: v.  

T Dalton and RS Snart
Effect of prolactin on the active transport of sodium by the isolated toad bladder
J Endocrinol 1969 43: vi.  

CW Jones and BT Pickering
Changes in the hormone content of the rat neurohypophysis induced by substituting 2 per cent saline for drinking water
J Endocrinol 1969 43: vi-a.  

GM Besser, DR Cullen, WJ Irvine, and J Landon
Plasma corticotrophin levels in primary and secondary adrenocortical insufficiency
J Endocrinol 1969 43: x.  

DJ ter Haar, HG van Riet, JH Thijssen, and F Schwarz
Response of immunoreactive growth hormone, immunoreactive insulin, free fatty acids and blood sugar to exercise in obese patients and in normal subjects
J Endocrinol 1969 43: xi.  

D Smeenk
Influence of hormones on bone
J Endocrinol 1969 43: xiv.  

RM Lequin, WH Hackeng, and W Schopman
Radioimmunoassay of parthyroid hormone in human plasma
J Endocrinol 1969 43: xiv-a.  

WA Kaasjager
Effect of progesterone and hypothalamic stimulation on LH release at different stages of the oestrous cycle in the rat
J Endocrinol 1969 43: xix.  

EW Wilson and RJ King
In-vitro stimulation of RNA synthesis by oestradiol-17-beta
J Endocrinol 1969 43: xl.  

J Stokes, CA Finn, and L Martin
Assessment of biological potency of progestins using the response of the mouse uterus
J Endocrinol 1969 43: xl-a.  

L Martin, CA Finn, and J Stokes
Refractory period following oestrogenic stimulation of cell division in the mouse uterus
J Endocrinol 1969 43: xl-b.  

CA de Kort
Hormones and the structure and function of insect flight-muscles
J Endocrinol 1969 43: xliv.  

CA de Groot
Effect of insulin and blood-sugar changes on ascorbic acid values in ovaries and other tissues
J Endocrinol 1969 43: xliv-a.  

M Phillippo, AD Care, and FR Hinde
The effect of thyrocalcitonin in neonatal animals
J Endocrinol 1969 43: xv.  

JE Butler and BT Donovan
Consequences of hypothalamic deafferentation in female rats and guinea-pigs
J Endocrinol 1969 43: xx.  

AH Schuurs
Estimation of LH in unconcentrated urine by a modified haemagglutination-inhibition reaction
J Endocrinol 1969 43: xx-a.  

GH Zeilmaker
Effects of prolonged feeding of an ovulation inhibitor (Lyndiol) on ageing of the hypothalamic-ovarian axis and pituitary gland tumorigenesis in rats
J Endocrinol 1969 43: xxi.  

RW Kelly, CH Shackleton, and FL Mitchell
The identification and importance of new steroids in the foeto-placental unit
J Endocrinol 1969 43: xxiv.  

HH Feder, K Brown-Grant, CS Corker, and D Exley
Systematic plasma progesterone levels during the pro-oestrous critical period in rats
J Endocrinol 1969 43: xxix.  

A Aakvaag
Formation of steroid hormones in the porcine ovary in vitro
J Endocrinol 1969 43: xxv.  

AD Papanicolaou, JA Loraine, and GA Dove
Hormone excretion patterns in perimenopausal women
J Endocrinol 1969 43: xxvi.  

CS Corker and D Exley
Competitive protein binding assay of 17-beta-oestradiol in human peripheral plasma
J Endocrinol 1969 43: xxx.  

BJ Everitt and J Herbert
Ovarian hormones and sexual preference in rhesus monkeys
J Endocrinol 1969 43: xxxi.  

ZS Madjerek
Some histochemical aspects of the development of traumatic deciduoma in spayed mice
J Endocrinol 1969 43: xxxi-a.  

EV van Hall and AP Heintz
Influence of HCG on the production of oestrogens by the adrenal gland
J Endocrinol 1969 43: xxxiv.  

JM Cooper and SF Lunn
Cyclic 3',5'-AMP and ovarian ascorbate depletion
J Endocrinol 1969 43: xxxix.  

PG Smelik and GA Hedge
Dissociation between production and storage of corticotrophin-releasing factor
J Endocrinol 1969 43: xxxvii.  

AS El-Sheikh, FB Sakla, and SO Amin
Changes in the density and progesterone content of luteal tissue in the Egyptian buffalo during pregnancy
J Endocrinol 1969 43: 1-8.  

M Pickford
Water and electrolyte shifts in the presence of two vasoactive substances
J Endocrinol 1969 43: 1-3.  

AD Stewart and J Stewart
Effect of vasopressin on the entry of sodium into the renal tubule
J Endocrinol 1969 43: 3-4.  

B Weir, PH Wise, JM Hime, and E Forrest
Hyperglycemia and cataract in the tuco-tuco
J Endocrinol 1969 43: 7-8.  

WM Hunter
Problems in the development of radioimmunoassays for the human pituitary gonadotrophins
J Endocrinol 1969 43: 8-10.  

IC Jones, DK Chan, and JC Rankin
Renal function in the European ell (Anguilla anguilla L.): changes in blood pressure and renal function of the freshwater eel transferred to sea-water
J Endocrinol 1969 43: 9-19.  

PR Bouman and W Konijnendijk
Spontaneous presence and generation in vitro of a high molecular immunoreactive insulin-like substance in bovine serum
J Endocrinol 1969 43: 12-13.  

JD Baird, WM Hunter, and AW Smith
Clinical and laboratory study of the relationship between human growth hormone and the development of clinical diabetes mellitus
J Endocrinol 1969 43: 13-14.  

GP van Rees
Induction of ovulation in pseudopregnant rats
J Endocrinol 1969 43: 16-18.  

DT Baird, A Uno, and JA McCracken
Effect of luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone and prolactin on steroid secretion by the autotransplanted ovary of the ewe
J Endocrinol 1969 43: 18-19.  

IC Jones, DK Chan, and JC Rankin
Renal function in the European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.): effects of the caudal neurosecretory system, corpuscles of Stannius, neurohypophysial peptides and vasoactive substances
J Endocrinol 1969 43: 21-31.  

M Reed
Ovulation in the guinea-pig
J Endocrinol 1969 43: 22-23.  

HI Brumby and IA Forsyth
Bioassay of prolactin in the blood of goats at parturition
J Endocrinol 1969 43: 23-24.  

Coutts, JR, MC Macnaughton, and PE Ross
Steroidogenesis in a case of hydatidiform mole
J Endocrinol 1969 43: 27-28.  

AA Ismail, DW Davidson, KE Kirkham, and JA Loraine
Studies on the endocrinology of hirsutism in women
J Endocrinol 1969 43: 28.  

SL Little, AJ Gray, and GE Lamming
Local effect of the ovary on the uterus of the rat
J Endocrinol 1969 43: 33-34.  

JM Zanelli, DJ Lea, and JA Nisbet
A bioassay method in vitro for parathyroid hormone
J Endocrinol 1969 43: 33-46.  

PB Marley
Antifertility effect of 5-hydroxytryptamine at the time of implantation in mice and rats
J Endocrinol 1969 43: 34-35.  

J van der Vies
Physical principles underlying the hormonal activity of long-acting preparations
J Endocrinol 1969 43: 35-36.  

PN Cheifetz
Effect of lesions in the globus pallidus upon thyroid function
J Endocrinol 1969 43: 36-37.  

WI Mainwaring
Binding of [3H] testosterone in the nuclei of androgen-dependent tissues
J Endocrinol 1969 43: 37-38.  

A al-Khateeb and E Johnson
Action of hormones on seasonal changes of pelage in the vole
J Endocrinol 1969 43: 43-44.  

MR Redshaw, BK Follett, and TJ Nichollis
Comparative effects of the oestrogens and other steroid hormones on serum lipids and proteins in Xenopus laevis Daudin
J Endocrinol 1969 43: 47-53.  

BJ Weir
The induction of ovulation in the chinchilla
J Endocrinol 1969 43: 55-60.  

SJ Stolzenberg, RG Eggert, FE Harrington, and WH Linkenheimer
Effect of luteinizing hormone and human chorionic gonadotrophin on corpora lutea in rats bearing pituitary autografts
J Endocrinol 1969 43: 61-66.  

W Heyns, H Van Baelen, and P De Moor
Study of the specificity of the steroid-binding beta-globulin in human plasma
J Endocrinol 1969 43: 67-71.  

J Leggate, AD Care, and SC Frazer
Evidence for thyrocalcitonin binding to protein in plasma
J Endocrinol 1969 43: 73-81.  

JH Marston and WA Kelly
The time and site of contraceptive action of an intra-uterine device in the mouse
J Endocrinol 1969 43: 83-93.  

JH Marston and WA Kelly
The effect of uterine anastomosis on the action of an intra-uterine device in the rat
J Endocrinol 1969 43: 95-103.  

DM De Kretser, KJ Catt, HG Burger, and GC Smith
Radioautographic studies on the localization of 125I-labelled human luteinizing and growth hormone in immature male rats
J Endocrinol 1969 43: 105-111.  

T Nikkari and M Valavaara
The production of sebum in young rats: effects of age, sex, hypophysectomy and treatment with somatotrophic hormone and sex hormones
J Endocrinol 1969 43: 113-118.  

RD Milner
Plasma and tissue insulin concentrations in foetal and postnatal rabbits
J Endocrinol 1969 43: 119-124.  

M Bonnyns and L Vanhaelst
Relationship between the long-acting thyroid stimulator and the thyroid microsomal antibody
J Endocrinol 1969 43: 125-126.  

DJ Goldie, N Hasham, PM Keane, J Pearson, and WH Walker
Cortisol binding characteristics measured by dialysis
J Endocrinol 1969 43: 127-128.  

K Seiki, M Miyamoto, A Yamashita, and M Kotani
Further studies on the uptake of labelled progesterone by the hypothalamus and pituitary of rats
J Endocrinol 1969 43: 129-130.  

I Carr and MA Williams
Binding of tritiated oestradiol by certain cells in autonomic ganglia in the mouse
J Endocrinol 1969 43: 131-132.  

MP Ireland
Effect of urophysectomy in Gasterosteus aculeatus on survival in fresh water and sea-water
J Endocrinol 1969 43: 133-134.  

N Deshpande, V Jensen, RD Bulbrook, and TW Doouss
The effect of NADPH on steroidogenesis by the human adrenal gland in vivo
J Endocrinol 1969 43: 135-136.  

DH Copp
Endocrine control of calcium homeostasis
J Endocrinol 1969 43: 137-161.  

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