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Contents: October 1967, Volume 39, Number 2   [Index by Author]       Other Issues:  
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M Greig and MC Macnaughton
Radioactive metabolites in the liver and adrenals of the human foetus after administration of [4-14C]progesterone
J Endocrinol 1967 39: 153-162.  

AS el-Sheikh, FB Sakla, and SO Amin
Changes in the density and progesterone content of luteal tissue in the Egyptian buffalo during the oestrous cycle
J Endocrinol 1967 39: 163-171.  

C Lauritzen and WD Lehmann
Levels of chorionic gonadotrophin in the newborn infant and their relationship to adrenal dehydroepiandrosterone
J Endocrinol 1967 39: 173-182.  

C Lauritzen and WD Lehmann
The significance of steroid hormones for the development of hyperbilirubinaemia and icterus in the newborn infant
J Endocrinol 1967 39: 183-188.  

RE Oakey and SR Stitch
Oestrogen synthesis in vitro by ovaries from rats in different phases of the oestrous cycle
J Endocrinol 1967 39: 189-195.  

ML Dedman, JS Fawcett, and CJ Morris
The exophthalmogenic activity of bovine thyrotrophic preparations
J Endocrinol 1967 39: 197-205.  

PM Dennis, CL Cope, and J Pearson
The production of 11-deoxycortisol (Reichstein's substance S) in patients with adrenocortical hyperfunction
J Endocrinol 1967 39: 207-212.  

TW Burns, CN Hales, and AS Hartree
Observations on the lipolytic activity of human serum and pituitary fractions in vitro
J Endocrinol 1967 39: 213-225.  

F Leroy, D Manavian, and PO Hubinont
Nuclear DNA estimations in the Hooker and Forbes test with sex hormones
J Endocrinol 1967 39: 227-231.  

S Biswas, JD MacDougall, and RE Coupland
Effect of hyperbaric oxygen on corticosteroid secretion and morphology of organ cultures of adult rat adrenal glands
J Endocrinol 1967 39: 233-249.  

M Weiss and IR McDonald
Corticosteroid secretion in kangaroos (Macropus canguru major and M. (Megaleia) rufus)
J Endocrinol 1967 39: 251-261.  

JM Tanner and RH Whitehouse
The effect of human growth hormone on subcutaneous fat thickness in hyposomatotrophic and panhypopituitary dwarfs
J Endocrinol 1967 39: 263-275.  

JG Shire and SG Spickett
Genetic variation in adrenal structure: qualitative differences in the zona glomerulosa
J Endocrinol 1967 39: 277-284.  

BT Pickering
The neurohypophysial hormones of a reptile species, the cobra (Naja naja)
J Endocrinol 1967 39: 285-293.  

BK Follett
Neurohypophysial hormones of marine turtles and of the grass snake
J Endocrinol 1967 39: 293-294.  

M Reed
The effect of norethandrolone (Nilevar) on growth in the female guinea-pig
J Endocrinol 1967 39: 295-298.  

PJ Bentley
Natriferic and hydro-osmotic effects on the toad bladder of vasopressin analogues with selective antidiuretic activity
J Endocrinol 1967 39: 299-304.  

H Shimizu and Y Okazaki
Effect of chlormadinone acetate on the body weight of female rats
J Endocrinol 1967 39: 305-306.  

TA Grillo and JG Cunningham
Serum insulin in totally pancreatectomized pregnant dogs
J Endocrinol 1967 39: 307-308.  

RP Michael, GS Saayman, and D Zumpe
Inhibition of sexual receptivity by progesterone in rhesus monkeys
J Endocrinol 1967 39: 309-310.  

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