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Contents: January 2005, Volume 184, Number 1   [Index by Author]  [Cover Caption]
       Editorial Commentary
       Starling Reviews
       Regular papers
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Julian R E Davis and Adrian J L Clark
J Endocrinol 2005 184: 1. [Full Text]  

Editorial Commentary:

Stephen G Hillier
100 years of hormones: pathway biology as the fifth force in endocrinology
J Endocrinol 2005 184: 3-4. [Full Text]  

Starling Reviews:

John Henderson
Ernest Starling and ‘Hormones’: an historical commentary
J Endocrinol 2005 184: 5-10. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

Roger Guillemin
Hypothalamic hormones a.k.a. hypothalamic releasing factors
J Endocrinol 2005 184: 11-28. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

Regular papers:

A Hassan and D Mason
Mechanisms of desensitization of the adrenocorticotropin response to arginine vasopressin in ovine anterior pituitary cells
J Endocrinol 2005 184: 29-40. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

C Mogi, H Goda, K Mogi, A Takaki, K Yokoyama, M Tomida, and K Inoue
Multistep differentiation of GH-producing cells from their immature cells
J Endocrinol 2005 184: 41-50. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

Andrés Quintanar-Stephano, Roberto Chavira-Ramírez, Kalman Kovacs, and Istvan Berczi
Neurointermediate pituitary lobectomy decreases the incidence and severity of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in Lewis rats
J Endocrinol 2005 184: 51-58. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

J E Sánchez-Criado, J Martín de las Mulas, C Bellido, R Aguilar, and J C Garrido-Gracia
Gonadotrope oestrogen receptor-{alpha} and -ß and progesterone receptor immunoreactivity after ovariectomy and exposure to oestradiol benzoate, tamoxifen or raloxifene in the rat: correlation with LH secretion
J Endocrinol 2005 184: 59-68. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

Andrea C F Ferreira, Lívia P Lima, Renata L Araújo, Glaucia Müller, Renata P Rocha, Doris Rosenthal, and Denise P Carvalho
Rapid regulation of thyroid sodium–iodide symporter activity by thyrotrophin and iodine
J Endocrinol 2005 184: 69-76. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

F S Raza, M Okamoto, H Takemori, and G P Vinson
Manganese superoxide dismutase activity in the rat adrenal
J Endocrinol 2005 184: 77-84. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

Weiye Wang, Lishan Wang, Akira Endoh, Geoffrey Hummelke, Christina L Hawks, and Peter J Hornsby
Identification of {alpha}-enolase as a nuclear DNA-binding protein in the zona fasciculata but not the zona reticularis of the human adrenal cortex
J Endocrinol 2005 184: 85-94. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

S Eleswarapu and H Jiang
Growth hormone regulates the expression of hepatocyte nuclear factor-3 gamma and other liver-enriched transcription factors in the bovine liver
J Endocrinol 2005 184: 95-105. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

Nina N Atanassova, Marion Walker, Chris McKinnell, Jane S Fisher, and Richard M Sharpe
Evidence that androgens and oestrogens, as well as follicle-stimulating hormone, can alter Sertoli cell number in the neonatal rat
J Endocrinol 2005 184: 107-117. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

V Rider, T Potapova, G Dai, and M J Soares
Stimulation of a rat uterine stromal cell line in culture reveals a molecular switch for endocrine-dependent differentiation
J Endocrinol 2005 184: 119-127. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

Haifan Zhang, Tim McElrath, Wei Tong, and Jeffrey W Pollard
The molecular basis of tamoxifen induction of mouse uterine epithelial cell proliferation
J Endocrinol 2005 184: 129-140. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

M C Velarde, S I Parisek, R R Eason, F A Simmen, and R C M Simmen
The secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor gene is a target of epidermal growth factor receptor action in endometrial epithelial cells
J Endocrinol 2005 184: 141-151. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

S A Cavigelli, S L Monfort, T K Whitney, Y S Mechref, M Novotny, and M K McClintock
Frequent serial fecal corticoid measures from rats reflect circadian and ovarian corticosterone rhythms
J Endocrinol 2005 184: 153-163. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

Z Cheng, M Elmes, S E Kirkup, E C Chin, D R E Abayasekara, and D C Wathes
The effect of a diet supplemented with the n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid linoleic acid on prostaglandin production in early- and late-pregnant ewes
J Endocrinol 2005 184: 165-178. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

A M Carter, M J Kingston, K K Han, D M Mazzuca, K Nygard, and V K M Han
Altered expression of IGFs and IGF-binding proteins during intrauterine growth restriction in guinea pigs
J Endocrinol 2005 184: 179-189. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

Toshihiro Takao, Chizuru Kumagai, Naoko Hisakawa, Reiko Matsumoto, and Kozo Hashimoto
Effect of 17ß-estradiol on tumor necrosis factor-{alpha}-induced cytotoxicity in the human peripheral T lymphocytes
J Endocrinol 2005 184: 191-197. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

Motoi Sohmiya and Yuzuru Kato
Human growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor-I inhibit erythropoietin secretion from the kidneys of adult rats
J Endocrinol 2005 184: 199-207. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

M Jankowski, D Wang, S Mukaddam-Daher, and J Gutkowska
Pregnancy alters nitric oxide synthase and natriuretic peptide systems in the rat left ventricle
J Endocrinol 2005 184: 209-217. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

Richard R Almon, Debra C DuBois, Jin Y Jin, and William J Jusko
Temporal profiling of the transcriptional basis for the development of corticosteroid-induced insulin resistance in rat muscle
J Endocrinol 2005 184: 219-232. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

C Ortega-González, L Cardoza, B Coutiño, R Hidalgo, G Arteaga-Troncoso, and A Parra
Insulin sensitizing drugs increase the endogenous dopaminergic tone in obese insulin-resistant women with polycystic ovary syndrome
J Endocrinol 2005 184: 233-239. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

S Bas, E Aguilera-Tejero, A Bas, J C Estepa, I Lopez, J A Madueño, and M Rodriguez
The influence of the progression of secondary hyperparathyroidism on the set point of the parathyroid hormone-calcium curve
J Endocrinol 2005 184: 241-247. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

Giuseppina Maccarinelli, Valeria Sibilia, Antonio Torsello, Francesca Raimondo, Marina Pitto, Andrea Giustina, Carmela Netti, and Daniela Cocchi
Ghrelin regulates proliferation and differentiation of osteoblastic cells
J Endocrinol 2005 184: 249-256. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

H Yin, K Ukena, T Ubuka, and K Tsutsui
A novel G protein-coupled receptor for gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone in the Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica): identification, expression and binding activity
J Endocrinol 2005 184: 257-266. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

M Shimizu, J T Dickey, H Fukada, and W W Dickhoff
Salmon serum 22 kDa insulin-like growth factor-binding protein (IGFBP) is IGFBP-1
J Endocrinol 2005 184: 267-276. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

A Levoye, B Mouillac, G Rivière, D Vieau, M Salzet, and C Breton
Cloning, expression and pharmacological characterization of a vasopressin-related receptor in an annelid, the leech Theromyzon tessulatum
J Endocrinol 2005 184: 277-289. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

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