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Contents: November 2003, Volume 179, Number 2   [Index by Author]       Other Issues:  
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RC Fowkes and JM Burrin
Steroidogenic factor-1 enhances basal and forskolin-stimulated transcription of the human glycoprotein hormone alpha-subunit gene in GH3 cells
J Endocrinol 2003 179: R1-R6. [Abstract] [PDF]  

PN Moynagh
Toll-like receptor signalling pathways as key targets for mediating the anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive effects of glucocorticoids
J Endocrinol 2003 179: 139-144. [Abstract] [PDF]  

P Perumal and ME Vrontakis
Transgenic mice over-expressing galanin exhibit pituitary adenomas and increased secretion of galanin, prolactin and growth hormone
J Endocrinol 2003 179: 145-154. [Abstract] [PDF]  

BK Ormerod, EM Falconer, and LA Galea
N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor activity and estradiol: separate regulation of cell proliferation in the dentate gyrus of adult female meadow vole
J Endocrinol 2003 179: 155-163. [Abstract] [PDF]  

E Chaves-Pozo, P Pelegrin, V Mulero, J Meseguer, and A Garcia Ayala
A role for acidophilic granulocytes in the testis of the gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata L., Teleostei)
J Endocrinol 2003 179: 165-174. [Abstract] [PDF]  

M Anbalagan, V Sriraman, and A Jagannadha Rao
Isolation and characterization of Leydig cells from adult bonnet monkeys (Macaca radiata): evidence for low steroidogenic capacity in monkey Leydig cells in contrast to rat Leydig cells
J Endocrinol 2003 179: 175-182. [Abstract] [PDF]  

A Kamischke, M Kuhlmann, GF Weinbauer, M Luetjens, CH Yeung, HL Kronholz, and E Nieschlag
Gonadal protection from radiation by GnRH antagonist or recombinant human FSH: a controlled trial in a male nonhuman primate (Macaca fascicularis)
J Endocrinol 2003 179: 183-194. [Abstract] [PDF]  

F Shi and PS LaPolt
Relationship between FoxO1 protein levels and follicular development, atresia, and luteinization in the rat ovary
J Endocrinol 2003 179: 195-203. [Abstract] [PDF]  

R Chaube and KP Joy
Thyroid hormone modulation of brain in vivo tyrosine hydroxylase activity and kinetics in the female catfish Heteropneustes fossilis
J Endocrinol 2003 179: 205-215. [Abstract] [PDF]  

DC Timmer, O Bakker, and WM Wiersinga
Triiodothyronine affects the alternative splicing of thyroid hormone receptor alpha mRNA
J Endocrinol 2003 179: 217-225. [Abstract] [PDF]  

SE Snyder, B Peng, JE Pintar, and SR Salton
Expression of VGF mRNA in developing neuroendocrine and endocrine tissues
J Endocrinol 2003 179: 227-235. [Abstract] [PDF]  

M Groschl, I Knerr, HG Topf, P Schmid, W Rascher, and M Rauh
Endocrine responses to the oral ingestion of a physiological dose of essential amino acids in humans
J Endocrinol 2003 179: 237-244. [Abstract] [PDF]  

T Bock, A Kyhnel, B Pakkenberg, and K Buschard
The postnatal growth of the beta-cell mass in pigs
J Endocrinol 2003 179: 245-252. [Abstract] [PDF]  

Y Hirashima, K Tsuruzoe, S Kodama, M Igata, T Toyonaga, K Ueki, CR Kahn, and E Araki
Insulin down-regulates insulin receptor substrate-2 expression through the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt pathway
J Endocrinol 2003 179: 253-266. [Abstract] [PDF]  

R Jamali, M Bao, and HJ Arnqvist
IGF-I but not insulin inhibits apoptosis at a low concentration in vascular smooth muscle cells
J Endocrinol 2003 179: 267-274. [Abstract] [PDF]  

M Dodic, M Tersteeg, A Jefferies, EM Wintour, and K Moritz
Prolonged low-dose dexamethasone treatment, in early gestation, does not alter blood pressure or renal function in adult sheep
J Endocrinol 2003 179: 275-280. [Abstract] [PDF]  

A Kanda, K Takuwa-Kuroda, E Iwakoshi-Ukena, Y Furukawa, O Matsushima, and H Minakata
Cloning of Octopus cephalotocin receptor, a member of the oxytocin/vasopressin superfamily
J Endocrinol 2003 179: 281-291. [Abstract] [PDF]  

To see an article, click its [Full Text] link. To review many abstracts, check the boxes to the left of the titles you want, and click the 'Get All Checked Abstract(s)' button. To see one abstract at a time, click its [Abstract] link.

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