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Contents: June 2002, Volume 173, Number 3   [Index by Author]       Other Issues:  
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JE Compston
Bone marrow and bone: a functional unit
J Endocrinol 2002 173: 387-394. [Abstract] [PDF]  

BS Moonga, OA Adebanjo, HJ Wang, S Li, XB Wu, B Troen, A Inzerillo, E Abe, C Minkin, CL Huang, and M Zaidi
Differential effects of interleukin-6 receptor activation on intracellular signaling and bone resorption by isolated rat osteoclasts
J Endocrinol 2002 173: 395-405. [Abstract] [PDF]  

O Nilsson, V Abad, D Chrysis, EM Ritzen, L Savendahl, and J Baron
Estrogen receptor-alpha and -beta are expressed throughout postnatal development in the rat and rabbit growth plate
J Endocrinol 2002 173: 407-414. [Abstract] [PDF]  

D Somjen, Y Amir-Zaltsman, B Gayer, T Kulik, E Knoll, N Stern, LJ Lu, L Toldo, and F Kohen
6-Carboxymethyl genistein: a novel selective oestrogen receptor modulator (SERM) with unique, differential effects on the vasculature, bone and uterus
J Endocrinol 2002 173: 415-427. [Abstract] [PDF]  

L Wickert and J Selbig
Structural analysis of the DNA-binding domain of alternatively spliced steroid receptors
J Endocrinol 2002 173: 429-436. [Abstract] [PDF]  

Y Ma, L Chai, SC Cortez, EG Stopa, MM Steinhoff, D Ford, J Morgan, and AL Maizel
SALL1 expression in the human pituitary-adrenal/gonadal axis
J Endocrinol 2002 173: 437-448. [Abstract] [PDF]  

MT Rae, SM Rhind, CE Kyle, DW Miller, and AN Brooks
Maternal undernutrition alters triiodothyronine concentrations and pituitary response to GnRH in fetal sheep
J Endocrinol 2002 173: 449-455. [Abstract] [PDF]  

JG Mabley, G Hasko, L Liaudet, F Soriano, GJ Southan, AL Salzman, and C Szabo
NFkappaB1 (p50)-deficient mice are not susceptible to multiple low-dose streptozotocin-induced diabetes
J Endocrinol 2002 173: 457-464. [Abstract] [PDF]  

MA Luque, N Gonzalez, L Marquez, A Acitores, A Redondo, M Morales, I Valverde, and ML Villanueva-Penacarrillo
Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and glucose metabolism in human myocytes
J Endocrinol 2002 173: 465-473. [Abstract] [PDF]  

JD Ramsden, S Yarram, E Mathews, JC Watkinson, and MC Eggo
Thyroid follicular cells secrete plasminogen activators and can form angiostatin from plasminogen
J Endocrinol 2002 173: 475-481. [Abstract] [PDF]  

T Yada, K Uchida, S Kajimura, T Azuma, T Hirano, and EG Grau
Immunomodulatory effects of prolactin and growth hormone in the tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus
J Endocrinol 2002 173: 483-492. [Abstract] [PDF]  

RT Boudreau, SM Sangster, LM Johnson, S Dauphinee, AW Li, and CK Too
Implication of alpha4 phosphoprotein and the rapamycin-sensitive mammalian target-of-rapamycin pathway in prolactin receptor signalling
J Endocrinol 2002 173: 493-506. [Abstract] [PDF]  

MC Saunders, RT Gemmell, MJ Waters, and JD Curlewis
Plasma growth hormone and growth hormone-binding protein during development in the marsupial brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula)
J Endocrinol 2002 173: 507-515. [Abstract] [PDF]  

L Jonsson, JO Skarphedinsson, GV Skuladottir, H Watanobe, and HB Schioth
Food conversion is transiently affected during 4-week chronic administration of melanocortin agonist and antagonist in rats
J Endocrinol 2002 173: 517-523. [Abstract] [PDF]  

A Ravid, E Rubinstein, A Gamady, C Rotem, UA Liberman, and R Koren
Vitamin D inhibits the activation of stress-activated protein kinases by physiological and environmental stresses in keratinocytes
J Endocrinol 2002 173: 525-532. [Abstract] [PDF]  

G Maniere, E Vanhems, F Gautron, and JP Delbecque
Calcium inhibits ovarian steroidogenesis in the blowfly Phormia regina
J Endocrinol 2002 173: 533-544. [Abstract] [PDF]  

To see an article, click its [Full Text] link. To review many abstracts, check the boxes to the left of the titles you want, and click the 'Get All Checked Abstract(s)' button. To see one abstract at a time, click its [Abstract] link.

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