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Contents: February 1999, Volume 160, Number 2   [Index by Author]       Other Issues:  
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DS Jessop
Review: Central non-glucocorticoid inhibitors of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis
J Endocrinol 1999 160: 169-180. [PDF]  

D Vogiagis and LA Salamonsen
Review: The role of leukaemia inhibitory factor in the establishment of pregnancy
J Endocrinol 1999 160: 181-190. [Abstract] [PDF]  

M Ahmed, E Grapengiesser, and B Hellman
Amino acid transformation of oscillatory Ca2+ signals in mouse pancreatic beta-cells
J Endocrinol 1999 160: 191-195. [Abstract] [PDF]  

JE Sanchez-Criado, C Bellido, M Tebar, A Ruiz, and D Gonzalez
The antiprogestin RU486 dissociates LH and FSH secretion in male rats: evidence for direct action at the pituitary level
J Endocrinol 1999 160: 197-203. [Abstract] [PDF]  

JA Tresguerres, C Ariznavarreta, B Granados, P Alvarez-Vega, P Fernandez-Mateos, P Gil-Loyzaga, and R Alvarez-Buylla
Parotid gland tissue is able partially to assume pituitary functions under the influence of hypothalamic factors: in vivo and in vitro studies
J Endocrinol 1999 160: 205-216. [Abstract] [PDF]  

JA Tresguerres, C Ariznavarreta, B Granados, JA Costoya, A Perez-Romero, F Salame, and M Hermanussen
Salivary gland is capable of GH synthesis under GHRH stimulation
J Endocrinol 1999 160: 217-222. [Abstract] [PDF]  

T Nickerson and H Huynh
Vitamin D analogue EB1089-induced prostate regression is associated with increased gene expression of insulin-like growth factor binding proteins
J Endocrinol 1999 160: 223-229. [Abstract] [PDF]  

G Seyoum, MC Robertson, TV Persaud, JA Paterson, and RP Shiu
Influence of rat placental lactogen-I on the development of whole rat embryos in culture
J Endocrinol 1999 160: 231-237. [Abstract] [PDF]  

WB Minich and U Loos
Isolation of radiochemically pure 125I-labeled human thyrotropin receptor and its use for the detection of pathological autoantibodies in sera from Graves' patients
J Endocrinol 1999 160: 239-245. [Abstract] [PDF]  

J Oscarsson, M Ottosson, K Vikman-Adolfsson, F Frick, S Enerback, H Lithell, and S Eden
GH but not IGF-I or insulin increases lipoprotein lipase activity in muscle tissues of hypophysectomised rats
J Endocrinol 1999 160: 247-255. [Abstract] [PDF]  

CN Robson, V Gnanapragasam, RL Byrne, AT Collins, and DE Neal
Transforming growth factor-beta1 up-regulates p15, p21 and p27 and blocks cell cycling in G1 in human prostate epithelium
J Endocrinol 1999 160: 257-266. [Abstract] [PDF]  

T Kotani, K Umeki, I Yamamoto, H Maesaka, K Tachibana, and S Ohtaki
A novel mutation in the human thyroid peroxidase gene resulting in a total iodide organification defect
J Endocrinol 1999 160: 267-273. [Abstract] [PDF]  

A Gobbetti, C Boiti, C Canali, and M Zerani
Nitric oxide synthase acutely regulates progesterone production by in vitro cultured rabbit corpora lutea
J Endocrinol 1999 160: 275-283. [Abstract] [PDF]  

T Mokuno, K Uchimura, R Hayashi, N Hayakawa, M Makino, M Nagata, H Kakizawa, Y Sawai, M Kotake, N Oda, A Nakai, A Nagasaka, and M Itoh
Glucose transporter 2 concentrations in hyper- and hypothyroid rat livers
J Endocrinol 1999 160: 285-289. [Abstract] [PDF]  

W Farrugia, L Nicholls, and GE Rice
Effect of bacterial endotoxin on the in vitro release of Type II phospholipase-A2 and prostaglandin E2 from human placenta
J Endocrinol 1999 160: 291-296. [Abstract] [PDF]  

N Hirayama, K Kitamura, T Imamura, J Kato, Y Koiwaya, T Tsuji, K Kangawa, and T Eto
Molecular forms of circulating adrenomedullin in patients with congestive heart failure
J Endocrinol 1999 160: 297-303. [Abstract] [PDF]  

DJ Hill, J Hogg, J Petrik, E Arany, and VK Han
Cellular distribution and ontogeny of insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) and IGF binding protein messenger RNAs and peptides in developing rat pancreas
J Endocrinol 1999 160: 305-317. [Abstract] [PDF]  

M Sullivan and MP Lewis
Comment: Response to an article by Hamilton et al. on 'Effects of colony stimulating factor-1 on human extravillous trophoblast growth and invasion'
J Endocrinol 1999 160: 319-320. [PDF]  

PK Lala
REPLY FROM AUTHOR. Possible explanation for opposite responses of EVT and TCL-1 cells to endogenous CSF-1
J Endocrinol 1999 160: 320.  

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