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Contents: August 1998, Volume 158, Number 2   [Index by Author]       Other Issues:  
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A Bateman and HP Bennett
Granulins: the structure and function of an emerging family of growth factors
J Endocrinol 1998 158: 145-151. [Abstract] [PDF]  

GP Vinson, R Teja, MM Ho, JP Hinson, and Puddefoot, JR
The role of the tissue renin-angiotensin system in the response of the rat adrenal to exogenous angiotensin II
J Endocrinol 1998 158: 153-159. [Abstract] [PDF]  

KR Poore, IR Young, BJ Canny, and GD Thorburn
Studies on the role of ACTH in the regulation of adrenal responsiveness and the timing of parturition in the ovine fetus
J Endocrinol 1998 158: 161-171. [Abstract] [PDF]  

ST Leung, TS Reynolds, and DC Wathes
Regulation of oxytocin receptor in the placentome capsule throughout pregnancy in the ewe: the possible role of oestradiol receptor, progesterone receptor and aromatase
J Endocrinol 1998 158: 173-181. [Abstract] [PDF]  

CK Wong, MA Ho, and GF Wagner
The co-localization of stanniocalcin protein, mRNA and kidney cell markers in the rat kidney
J Endocrinol 1998 158: 183-189. [Abstract] [PDF]  

U Totzke, A Hubinger, and F Bairlein
Glucose utilization rate and pancreatic hormone response to oral glucose loads are influenced by the migratory condition and fasting in the garden warbler (Sylvia borin)
J Endocrinol 1998 158: 191-196. [Abstract] [PDF]  

CB Cymeryng, LA Dada, and EJ Podesta
Effect of nitric oxide on rat adrenal zona fasciculata steroidogenesis
J Endocrinol 1998 158: 197-203. [Abstract] [PDF]  

F Bertuzzi, K Saccomanno, C Socci, AM Davalli, MV Taglietti, C Berra, E Dalcin, LD Monti, G Pozza, and AE Pontiroli
Long-term in vitro exposure to high glucose increases proinsulin-like-molecules release by isolated human islets
J Endocrinol 1998 158: 205-211. [Abstract] [PDF]  

L Morales, R Chavez, ME Ayala, and R Dominguez
Effects of unilateral or bilateral superior ovarian nerve section in prepubertal rats on the ovulatory response to gonadotrophin administration
J Endocrinol 1998 158: 213-219. [Abstract] [PDF]  

P Bagavandoss
Differential distribution of gelatinases and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 in the rat ovary
J Endocrinol 1998 158: 221-228. [Abstract] [PDF]  

N Azad, N LaPaglia, L Agrawal, J Steiner, S Uddin, DW Williams, AM Lawrence, and NV Emanuele
The role of gonadectomy and testosterone replacement on thymic luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone production
J Endocrinol 1998 158: 229-235. [Abstract] [PDF]  

LQ Fan, RC Cattley, and JC Corton
Tissue-specific induction of 17 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type IV by peroxisome proliferator chemicals is dependent on the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha
J Endocrinol 1998 158: 237-246. [Abstract] [PDF]  

ME Wilson
Premature elevation in serum insulin-like growth factor-I advances first ovulation in rhesus monkeys
J Endocrinol 1998 158: 247-257. [Abstract] [PDF]  

T Celius and BT Walther
Oogenesis in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) occurs by zonagenesis preceding vitellogenesis in vivo and in vitro
J Endocrinol 1998 158: 259-266. [Abstract] [PDF]  

YO Lukyanenko, AM Carpenter, DE Brigham, DM Stocco, and JC Hutson
Regulation of Leydig cells through a steroidogenic acute regulatory protein-independent pathway by a lipophilic factor from macrophages
J Endocrinol 1998 158: 267-275. [Abstract] [PDF]  

H Sakurai and TE Adams
The effect of season and melatonin on GnRH-induced LH secretion in oestradiol-treated orchidectomized sheep
J Endocrinol 1998 158: 277-283. [Abstract] [PDF]  

AJ Douglas, HA Johnstone, A Wigger, R Landgraf, JA Russell, and ID Neumann
The role of endogenous opioids in neurohypophysial and hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis hormone secretory responses to stress in pregnant rats
J Endocrinol 1998 158: 285-293. [Abstract] [PDF]  

To see an article, click its [Full Text] link. To review many abstracts, check the boxes to the left of the titles you want, and click the 'Get All Checked Abstract(s)' button. To see one abstract at a time, click its [Abstract] link.

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