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Contents: October 1996, Volume 151, Number 1   [Index by Author]       Other Issues:  
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JM Bentel and WD Tilley
Androgen receptors in prostate cancer
J Endocrinol 1996 151: 1-11. [PDF]  

BM Lewis, IS Ismail, B Issa, Peters, JR, and MF Scanlon
Desensitisation of somatostatin, TRH and GHRH responses to glucose in the diabetic (Goto-Kakizaki) rat hypothalamus
J Endocrinol 1996 151: 13-17. [Abstract]  

J Gallegos-Sanchez, S Picard, B Delaleu, B Malpaux, and JC Thiery
Initiation of the oestradiol-induced inhibition of pulsatile LH secretion in ewes under long days: comparison of peripheral versus central treatment and neurochemical correlates
J Endocrinol 1996 151: 19-28. [Abstract]  

A Rannikko, TL Penttila, FP Zhang, J Toppari, M Parvinen, and I Huhtaniemi
Stage-specific expression of the FSH receptor gene in the prepubertal and adult rat seminiferous epithelium
J Endocrinol 1996 151: 29-35. [Abstract]  

J Singh and DJ Handelsman
Neonatal administration of FSH increases Sertoli cell numbers and spermatogenesis in gonadotropin-deficient (hpg) mice
J Endocrinol 1996 151: 37-48. [Abstract]  

SJ Walter, V Tennakoon, JA McClune, and DG Shirley
Role of volume status in vasopressin-induced natriuresis: studies in Brattleboro rats
J Endocrinol 1996 151: 49-54. [Abstract]  

P Dicks, CJ Morgan, PJ Morgan, D Kelly, and LM Williams
The localisation and characterisation of insulin-like growth factor-I receptors and the investigation of melatonin receptors on the hair follicles of seasonal and non-seasonal fibre-producing goats
J Endocrinol 1996 151: 55-63. [Abstract]  

H Kishi, T Okada, M Otsuka, G Watanabe, K Taya, and S Sasamoto
Induction of superovulation by immunoneutralization of endogenous inhibin through the increase in the secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone in the cyclic golden hamster
J Endocrinol 1996 151: 65-75. [Abstract]  

ML Rogers, C Goddard, GO Regester, FJ Ballard, and DA Belford
Transforming growth factor beta in bovine milk: concentration, stability and molecular mass forms
J Endocrinol 1996 151: 77-86. [Abstract]  

G Croissandeau, N Schussler, D Grouselle, P Pagesy, C Rauch, MC Bayet, F Peillon, and M Le Dafniet
Evidence of thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) gene expression in rat anterior pituitaries and modulation by estrogens of TRH-like immunoreactivity and TRH-elongated peptide contents
J Endocrinol 1996 151: 87-96. [Abstract]  

AL Fowden, J Szemere, P Hughes, RS Gilmour, and AJ Forhead
The effects of cortisol on the growth rate of the sheep fetus during late gestation
J Endocrinol 1996 151: 97-105. [Abstract]  

PA Martin and A Faulkner
Effects of somatostatin-28 on circulating concentrations of insulin and gut hormones in sheep
J Endocrinol 1996 151: 107-112. [Abstract]  

M Sakai, M Kobayashi, and H Kawauchi
In vitro activation of fish phagocytic cells by GH, prolactin and somatolactin
J Endocrinol 1996 151: 113-118. [Abstract]  

DJ Phillips, MP Hedger, McFarlane, JR, R Klein, IJ Clarke, AJ Tilbrook, AD Nash, and DM de Kretser
Follistatin concentrations in male sheep increase following sham castration/castration or injection of interleukin-1 beta
J Endocrinol 1996 151: 119-124. [Abstract]  

WJ McLaren, IR Young, MH Wong, and GE Rice
Expression of prostaglandin G/H synthase-1 and -2 in ovine amnion and placenta following glucocorticoid-induced labour onset
J Endocrinol 1996 151: 125-135. [Abstract]  

C Ratineau, C Roche, F Chuzel, M Cordier-Bussai, M Blanc, C Bernard, JC Cuber, and JA Chayvialle
Regulation of intestinal cholecystokinin gene expression by glucocorticoids
J Endocrinol 1996 151: 137-145. [Abstract]  

JI Reimers, AK Rasmussen, AE Karlsen, U Bjerre, H Liang, O Morin, HU Andersen, T Mandrup-Poulsen, AG Burger, U Feldt-Rasmussen, and J Nerup
Interleukin-1 beta inhibits rat thyroid cell function in vivo and in vitro by an NO-independent mechanism and induces hypothyroidism and accelerated thyroiditis in diabetes-prone BB rats
J Endocrinol 1996 151: 147-157. [Abstract]  

L Pinilla, D Gonzalez, M Tena-Sempere, R Aguilar, and E Aguilar
Mechanisms of inhibitory action of kainic acid on prolactin secretion in male rats
J Endocrinol 1996 151: 159-167. [Abstract]  

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