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Contents: July 1996, Volume 150, Number 1   [Index by Author]       Other Issues:  
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MD Schaller
The focal adhesion kinase
J Endocrinol 1996 150: 1-7. [PDF]  

EA Nau, EM Epsaro, MS Scherer, and JH Abel
Monoclonal antibodies specific for the binding site on the LH receptor alter progesterone production in cultured granulosa cells
J Endocrinol 1996 150: 9-16. [Abstract]  

JF Powell, SL Krueckl, PM Collins, and NM Sherwood
Molecular forms of GnRH in three model fishes: rockfish, medaka and zebrafish
J Endocrinol 1996 150: 17-23. [Abstract]  

DR Shamley, G Veale, JM Pettifor, and R Buffenstein
Trophoblastic giant cells of the mouse placenta contain calbindin-D9k but not the vitamin D receptor
J Endocrinol 1996 150: 25-32. [Abstract]  

A Takenaka, M Mori, S Yamada, J Ohgane, S Takahashi, and T Noguchi
Nutritional regulation of gene expression of insulin-like growth factor-binding proteins and the acid-labile subunit in various tissues of rats
J Endocrinol 1996 150: 33-41. [Abstract]  

J Liu, P Heikkila, AI Kahri, and R Voutilainen
Expression of the steroidogenic acute regulatory protein mRNA in adrenal tumors and cultured adrenal cells
J Endocrinol 1996 150: 43-50. [Abstract]  

PJ Fowke and SC Hodgkinson
The ovine pancreatic protein which binds insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 is procarboxypeptidase A
J Endocrinol 1996 150: 51-56. [Abstract]  

F Gaytan, C Bellido, C Morales, M Garcia, N van Rooijen, and E Aguilar
In vivo manipulation (depletion versus activation) of testicular macrophages: central and local effects
J Endocrinol 1996 150: 57-65. [Abstract]  

AA Butler, BW Gallaher, GR Ambler, PD Gluckman, and BH Breier
IGF-I and IGF-binding protein-3 in plasma of GH-deficient rats
J Endocrinol 1996 150: 67-76. [Abstract]  

FM Tomas, AB Lemmey, LC Read, and FJ Ballard
Superior potency of infused IGF-I analogues which bind poorly to IGF-binding proteins is maintained when administered by injection
J Endocrinol 1996 150: 77-84. [Abstract]  

JT Uilenbroek, P Kramer, EC van Leeuwen, B Karels, MA Timmerman, FH de Jong, and R de Leeuw
Recombinant FSH-induced follicle development in immature rats treated with an LHRH antagonist:a direct effect of RU486 on follicular atresia
J Endocrinol 1996 150: 85-92. [Abstract]  

Y Nakamura, H Tamura, M Ono, K Shimamura, N Sugino, F Numa, K Ueda, and H Kato
A study of the luteolytic mechanism of the antiprogesterone RU486 during the late-luteal phase in pseudopregnant rats
J Endocrinol 1996 150: 93-98. [Abstract]  

H Stepien, M Grochal, KW Zielinski, S Mucha, J Kunert-Radek, A Kulig, A Stawowy, and H Pisarek
Inhibitory effects of fumagillin and its analogue TNP-470 on the function, morphology and angiogenesis of an oestrogen-induced prolactinoma in Fischer 344 rats
J Endocrinol 1996 150: 99-106. [Abstract]  

K Ohtani, H Shimizu, Y Tanaka, N Sato, and M Mori
Pioglitazone hydrochloride stimulates insulin secretion in HIT-T 15 cells by inducing Ca2+ influx
J Endocrinol 1996 150: 107-111. [Abstract]  

MG Cavallo, F Dotta, L Monetini, S Dionisi, M Previti, L Valente, A Toto, U Di Mario, and P Pozzilli
Beta-cell markers and autoantigen expression by a human insulinoma cell line: similarities to native beta cells
J Endocrinol 1996 150: 113-120. [Abstract]  

CG Prosser and J Schwander
Influence of insulin-like growth factor-binding protein-2 on plasma clearance and transfer of insulin-like growth factors-I and -II from plasma into mammary-derived lymph and milk of goats
J Endocrinol 1996 150: 121-127. [Abstract]  

RG Vernon
GH inhibition of lipogenesis and stimulation of lipolysis in sheep adipose tissue: involvement of protein serine phosphorylation and dephosphorylation and phospholipase C
J Endocrinol 1996 150: 129-140. [Abstract]  

MG Hunter, HM Picton, C Biggs, GE Mann, AS McNeilly, and GR Foxcroft
Periovulatory endocrinology in high ovulating Meishan sows
J Endocrinol 1996 150: 141-147. [Abstract]  

JP McMurtry, GL Francis, Z Upton, PE Walton, G Rosselot, TJ Caperna, and DM Brocht
Plasma clearance and tissue distribution of labelled chicken and human IGF-I and IGF-II in the chicken
J Endocrinol 1996 150: 149-160. [Abstract]  

T Yamamoto, BM Chapman, DC Johnson, CR Givens, SH Mellon, and MJ Soares
Cytochrome P450 17 alpha-hydroxylase gene expression in differentiating rat trophoblast cells
J Endocrinol 1996 150: 161-168. [Abstract]  

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