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Contents: March 1996, Volume 148, Number 3   [Index by Author]       Other Issues: Previous Next  
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To see an article, click its [Full Text] or [PDF] link. To review many abstracts, check the boxes to the left of the titles you want, and click the 'Get All Checked Abstract(s)' button. To see one abstract at a time, click its [Abstract] link.


C Chen, D Wu, and I J Clarke

J Endocrinol 1996: 381–386. [Abstract] [PDF] FREE  

P J Fuller and S Lim-Tio

J Endocrinol 1996: 387–390. [Abstract] [PDF] FREE  


S C Blair, I D Caterson, and G J Cooney

J Endocrinol 1996: 391–398. [Abstract] [PDF]  

Y S H Othman and R E Oakey

J Endocrinol 1996: 399–407. [Abstract] [PDF]  

N H McClenaghan, C R Barnett, F P M O'Harte, S K Swanston-Flatt, E Ah-Sing, and P R Flatt

J Endocrinol 1996: 409–417. [Abstract] [PDF]  

A E Michael, L Gregory, L Thaventhiran, J W Antoniw, and B A Cooke

J Endocrinol 1996: 419–425. [Abstract] [PDF]  

K Noguchi, J Arita, A Nagamoto, M Hosaka, and F Kimura

J Endocrinol 1996: 427–433. [Abstract] [PDF]  

G Meduri, M T Vu Hai, A Jolivet, S Takemori, S Kominami, M A Driancourt, and E Milgrom

J Endocrinol 1996: 435–446. [Abstract] [PDF]  

R D Kineman, T W Gettys, and L S Frawley

J Endocrinol 1996: 447–455. [Abstract] [PDF]  

M L Forsling, Y Zhou, and R J Windle

J Endocrinol 1996: 457–464. [Abstract] [PDF]  

C Farquharson, J S Rennie, N Loveridge, and C C Whitehead

J Endocrinol 1996: 465–474. [Abstract] [PDF]  

M J Evans, R S Mulligan, J H Livesey, and R A Donald

J Endocrinol 1996: 475–483. [Abstract] [PDF]  

V A Patel, D J Hill, M C Eggo, M C Sheppard, G P Becks, and A Logan

J Endocrinol 1996: 485–499. [Abstract] [PDF]  

S B Bowes, N C Jackson, D Papachristodoulou, A M Umpleby, and P H Sönksen

J Endocrinol 1996: 501–507. [Abstract] [PDF]  

N V Emanuele, J Jurgens, N La Paglia, D W Williams, and M R Kelley

J Endocrinol 1996: 509–515. [Abstract] [PDF]  

A M Carter, J R G Challis, and P Svendsen

J Endocrinol 1996: 517–522. [Abstract] [PDF]  

J Liu, R Voutilainen, A I Kahri, and P Heikkilä

J Endocrinol 1996: 523–529. [Abstract] [PDF]  

R J Lacey, S L F Chan, H C Cable, R F L James, C W Perret, J H B Scarpello, and N G Morgan

J Endocrinol 1996: 531–543. [Abstract] [PDF]  

K Sawangjaroen, C Sernia, and J D Curlewis

J Endocrinol 1996: 545–552. [Abstract] [PDF]  

K Nomura, C Kikuchi, M Ogasawara, M Katayama, M Ujihara, S Toraya, and H Demura

J Endocrinol 1996: 553–559. [Abstract] [PDF]  

J Pácha and I Miksík

J Endocrinol 1996: 561–566. [Abstract] [PDF]  

To see an article, click its [Full Text] or [PDF] link. To review many abstracts, check the boxes to the left of the titles you want, and click the 'Get All Checked Abstract(s)' button. To see one abstract at a time, click its [Abstract] link.

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