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Contents: August 1993, Volume 138, Number 2   [Index by Author]       Other Issues: Previous Next  
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To see an article, click its [Full Text] or [PDF] link. To review many abstracts, check the boxes to the left of the titles you want, and click the 'Get All Checked Abstract(s)' button. To see one abstract at a time, click its [Abstract] link.


T. Chard

J Endocrinol 1993: 177–179. [Abstract] [PDF]  


A. J. Tilbrook, D. M. de Kretser, and I. J. Clarke

J Endocrinol 1993: 181–189. [Abstract] [PDF]  

D. W. Koppenaal, J. A. M. J. van Dieten, A. M. I. Tijssen, and J. de Koning

J Endocrinol 1993: 191–201. [Abstract] [PDF]  

M. Dukes, J. C. Waterton, and A. E. Wakeling

J Endocrinol 1993: 203–NP. [Abstract] [PDF]  

J. Muruais, A. Peñalva, C. Dieguez, and F. F. Casanueva

J Endocrinol 1993: 211–218. [Abstract] [PDF]  

B. Paier, K. Hagmüller, M. I. Noli, M. Gonzalez Pondal, C. Stiegler, and A. A. Zaninovich

J Endocrinol 1993: 219–224. [Abstract] [PDF]  

S. Harvey and R. W. Lea

J Endocrinol 1993: 225–232. [Abstract] [PDF]  

J. L. Elliott, J. M. Oldham, G. R. Ambler, P. C. Molan, G. S. G. Spencer, S. C. Hodgkinson, B. H. Breier, P. D. Gluckman, J. M. Suttie, and J. J. Bass

J Endocrinol 1993: 233–NP. [Abstract] [PDF]  

B. Kacsóh, Z. Veress, B. E. Tóth, L. M. Avery, and C. E. Grosvenor

J Endocrinol 1993: 243–257. [Abstract] [PDF]  

L. M. Burrell, P. A. Phillips, J. Stephenson, J. Risvanis, A.-M. Hutchins, and C. I. Johnston

J Endocrinol 1993: 259–266. [Abstract] [PDF]  

D. F. Carmignac, I. C. A. F. Robinson, B. Enberg, and G. Norstedt

J Endocrinol 1993: 267–274. [Abstract] [PDF]  

K. J. Armour, L. B. O'Toole, and N. Hazon

J Endocrinol 1993: 275–282. [Abstract] [PDF]  

A. Nakano, M. Terasawa, M. Watanabe, K. Okazaki, S. Inoue, M. Kato, Y. Nimura, N. Usuda, T. Morita, and H. Hidaka

J Endocrinol 1993: 283–NP. [Abstract] [PDF]  

A. E. Michael, D. R. E. Abayasekara, and G. E. Webley

J Endocrinol 1993: 291–298. [Abstract] [PDF]  

M. T. Ahmed, A. K. Sinha, M. R. Pickard, K. D. Kim, and R. P. Ekins

J Endocrinol 1993: 299–305. [Abstract] [PDF]  

K. Shibayama, Y. Ohyama, M. Ono, and S. Furudate

J Endocrinol 1993: 307–313. [Abstract] [PDF]  

K. P. McNatty, N. L. Hudson, D. A. Heath, L. Shaw, L. Blay, L. Berry, and S. Lun

J Endocrinol 1993: 315–325. [Abstract] [PDF]  

S. E. P. Bastian, P. E. Walton, J. C. Wallace, and F. J. Ballard

J Endocrinol 1993: 327–336. [Abstract] [PDF]  

A. M. Skinner, P. E. Clayton, D. A. Price, G. M. Addison, and C. Y. W. Mui

J Endocrinol 1993: 337–343. [Abstract] [PDF]  

P. L. Storring and R. E. Gaines Das

J Endocrinol 1993: 345–359. [Abstract] [PDF]  

To see an article, click its [Full Text] or [PDF] link. To review many abstracts, check the boxes to the left of the titles you want, and click the 'Get All Checked Abstract(s)' button. To see one abstract at a time, click its [Abstract] link.

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