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Contents: September 1992, Volume 134, Number 3   [Index by Author]       Other Issues:  
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DC Wathes
Embryonic mortality and the uterine environment
J Endocrinol 1992 134: 321-325.  

MS Harbuz and SL Lightman
Stress and the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis: acute, chronic and immunological activation
J Endocrinol 1992 134: 327-339.  

TA Bramley, GS Menzies, G Baxter, R Webb, and AS McNeilly
Apparent alpha-inhibin subunit immunoactivity in porcine and ovine luteal extracts is due to interference by cytosolic proteases in the assay
J Endocrinol 1992 134: 341-352. [Abstract]  

KM Burgess, G Jenkin, MM Ralph, and GD Thorburn
Effect of the antiprogestin RU486 on uterine sensitivity to oxytocin in ewes in late pregnancy
J Endocrinol 1992 134: 353-360. [Abstract]  

J Caverzasio and JP Bonjour
Resistance to parathyroid hormone-induced inhibition of inorganic phosphate transport in opossum kidney cells cultured in low inorganic phosphate medium
J Endocrinol 1992 134: 361-368. [Abstract]  

CL Coulter, IR Young, CA Browne, and IC McMillen
The effect of fetal hypophysectomy with or without ACTH replacement on the molecular weight profile of enkephalin-containing peptides in the adrenal medulla of the fetal sheep
J Endocrinol 1992 134: 369-375. [Abstract]  

DJ Flint, E Tonner, J Beattie, and D Panton
Investigation of the mechanism of action of growth hormone in stimulating lactation in the rat
J Endocrinol 1992 134: 377-383. [Abstract]  

RE Hutchison, AW Wozniak, and JB Hutchison
Regulation of female brain aromatase activity during the reproductive cycle of the dove
J Endocrinol 1992 134: 385-396. [Abstract]  

F Jakob, HP Tony, D Schneider, and HH Thole
Immunological detection of the oestradiol receptor protein in cell lines derived from the lymphatic system and the haematopoietic system: variability of specific hormone binding in vitro
J Endocrinol 1992 134: 397-404. [Abstract]  

JM Kjeld, J Sigurjonsson, and A Arnason
Sex hormone concentrations in blood serum from the north Atlantic fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus)
J Endocrinol 1992 134: 405-413. [Abstract]  

V Paspaliaris, SJ Vargas, MT Gillespie, ED Williams, JA Danks, JM Moseley, ME Story, JN Pennefather, DD Leaver, and TJ Martin
Oestrogen enhancement of the myometrial response to exogenous parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP), and tissue localization of endogenous PTHrP and its mRNA in the virgin rat uterus
J Endocrinol 1992 134: 415-425. [Abstract]  

DW Koppenaal, AM Tijssen, and J de Koning
The effect of gonadotrophin surge-inhibiting factor on the self-priming action of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone in female rats in vitro
J Endocrinol 1992 134: 427-436. [Abstract]  

GA Lincoln and K Maeda
Effects of placing micro-implants of melatonin in the mediobasal hypothalamus and preoptic area on the secretion of prolactin and beta-endorphin in rams
J Endocrinol 1992 134: 437-448. [Abstract]  

RA Metcalfe, SR Crosby, A White, L Hanford, and S MacNeil
A simple bioassay for epidermal growth factor using pig thyrocytes
J Endocrinol 1992 134: 449-457. [Abstract]  

PL Storring and RE Gaines Das
The International Standard for Recombinant DNA-derived Erythropoietin: collaborative study of four recombinant DNA-derived erythropoietins and two highly purified human urinary erythropoietins
J Endocrinol 1992 134: 459-484. [Abstract]  

J Verhaeghe, AM Suiker, WJ Visser, E Van Herck, R Van Bree, and R Bouillon
The effects of systemic insulin, insulin-like growth factor-I and growth hormone on bone growth and turnover in spontaneously diabetic BB rats
J Endocrinol 1992 134: 485-492. [Abstract]  

ME Wilson
Primiparous rhesus monkey mothers are more sensitive to the nursing-induced inhibition of LH and ovarian steroid secretion
J Endocrinol 1992 134: 493-503. [Abstract]  

K Trieb, K Dorfinger, N Neuhold, E Selzer, A Wilfing, S Czernin, M Hermann, B Niederle, A Gessl, and H Vierhapper
Suramin affects differentiated and undifferentiated human thyroid epithelial cells in vitro
J Endocrinol 1992 134: 505-511. [Abstract]  

PJ Trainer, JM Kirk, MO Savage, AB Grossman, and GM Besser
Pyridostigmine partially reverses dexamethasone-induced inhibition of the growth hormone response to growth hormone-releasing hormone
J Endocrinol 1992 134: 513-517. [Abstract]  

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