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Contents: July 1992, Volume 134, Number 1   [Index by Author]       Other Issues:  
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BJ Whitehouse
Benzodiazepines and steroidogenesis
J Endocrinol 1992 134: 1-3.  

PD Gluckman, PC Morel, GR Ambler, BH Breier, HT Blair, and SN McCutcheon
Elevating maternal insulin-like growth factor-I in mice and rats alters the pattern of fetal growth by removing maternal constraint
J Endocrinol 1992 134: 1-3. [Abstract]  

I Bezecny, J Bartova, and J Skarda
Growth hormone treatment increases oestrogen receptor concentration in the guinea-pig uterus
J Endocrinol 1992 134: 5-9. [Abstract]  

RG Glencross, EC Bleach, BJ McLeod, AJ Beard, and PG Knight
Effect of active immunization of heifers against inhibin on plasma FSH concentrations, ovarian follicular development and ovulation rate
J Endocrinol 1992 134: 11-18. [Abstract]  

FJ Van Eerdenburg, CM Lugard-Kok, and DF Swaab
The supraoptic nucleus in the pig hypothalamus: postnatal development and the effect of gonadal steroids
J Endocrinol 1992 134: 19-25. [Abstract]  

J Champier, B Claustrat, C Harthe, P Chevallier, and J Trouillas
Concanavalin-A-bound and -unbound prolactin in normal and hyperprolactinaemic rats
J Endocrinol 1992 134: 27-32. [Abstract]  

GR Hart, H Gowing, and JM Burrin
Effects of a novel hypothalamic peptide, pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide, on pituitary hormone release in rats
J Endocrinol 1992 134: 33-41. [Abstract]  

JE Sanchez-Criado, C Bellido, FJ Lopez, and F Galiot
Antiprogesterone RU486 induces dissociation of LH and FSH secretion in the cyclic rat: effect of anti-inhibin serum
J Endocrinol 1992 134: 43-49. [Abstract]  

JE Sanchez-Criado, JT Uilenbroek, and FH de Jong
Antiprogesterone RU486 increases serum immunoreactive inhibin levels and LH:FSH and testosterone:oestradiol ratios in cyclic rats
J Endocrinol 1992 134: 51-57. [Abstract]  

S Kamada, T Kubota, Y Hirata, M Taguchi, S Eguchi, F Marumo, and T Aso
Direct effect of endothelin-1 on the granuloma cells of the porcine ovary
J Endocrinol 1992 134: 59-66. [Abstract]  

A Morovat and MJ Dauncey
Short-term changes in the 3,5,3'-tri-iodothyronine nuclear receptor-binding capacity of porcine skeletal muscle following food intake
J Endocrinol 1992 134: 67-72. [Abstract]  

BM Nabishah, BA Khalid, PB Morat, AK Alias, and M Zainuddin
Effects of steroid hormones on cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate levels in the rat lung
J Endocrinol 1992 134: 73-76. [Abstract]  

MJ Taylor and CL Clark
Discordant secretion of relaxin by individual porcine large luteal cells: quantitative analysis by a reverse haemolytic plaque assay
J Endocrinol 1992 134: 77-83. [Abstract]  

KJ Teerds, DG de Rooij, CJ Wensing, and FF Rommerts
Hormone-induced resistance of rat Leydig cells to the cytotoxic effects of ethane-1,2-dimethane sulphonate
J Endocrinol 1992 134: 85-90. [Abstract]  

RD Kineman, WJ Faught, and LS Frawley
The ontogenic and functional relationships between growth hormone- and prolactin-releasing cells during the development of the bovine pituitary
J Endocrinol 1992 134: 91-96. [Abstract]  

A Ulloa-Aguirre, R Schwall, A Cravioto, E Zambrano, and P Damian-Matsumura
Effects of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone, recombinant human activin-A and sex steroid hormones upon the follicle-stimulating isohormones secreted by rat anterior pituitary cells in culture
J Endocrinol 1992 134: 97-106. [Abstract]  

DC Wathes, VJ Ayad, M Kumari, EL Matthews, and CM Wathes
A comparison of plasma vasopressin and oxytocin concentrations during the oestrous cycle of the ewe
J Endocrinol 1992 134: 107-113. [Abstract]  

R Webb, G Baxter, D McBride, and AS McNeilly
3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase inhibitor reduces ovarian steroid production but increases ovulation rate in the ewe: interactions with gonadotrophins and inhibin
J Endocrinol 1992 134: 115-125. [Abstract]  

M Angervo, R Koistinen, and M Seppala
Epidermal growth factor stimulates production of insulin-like growth factor-binding protein-1 in human granulosa-luteal cells
J Endocrinol 1992 134: 127-131. [Abstract]  

RC Baxter and H Saunders
Radioimmunoassay of insulin-like growth factor-binding protein-6 in human serum and other body fluids
J Endocrinol 1992 134: 133-139. [Abstract]  

C Wuster, F Raue, C Meyer, M Bergmann, and R Ziegler
Long-term excess of endogenous calcitonin in patients with medullary thyroid carcinoma does not affect bone mineral density
J Endocrinol 1992 134: 141-147. [Abstract]  

TH Jones, CD Figueroa, CM Smith, DR Cullen, and KD Bhoola
Tissue kallikrein is associated with prolactin-secreting cells within human growth hormone-secreting adenomas
J Endocrinol 1992 134: 149-154. [Abstract]  

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