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Contents: February 1992, Volume 132, Number 2   [Index by Author]       Other Issues:  
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M Hewison
Vitamin D and the immune system
J Endocrinol 1992 132: 173-175.  

R Bilek, PJ Gkonos, MA Tavianini, DG Smyth, and BA Roos
The thyrotrophin-releasing hormone (TRH)-like peptides in rat prostate are not formed by expression of the TRH gene but are suppressed by thyroid hormone
J Endocrinol 1992 132: 177-184. [Abstract]  

JC Byatt, PJ Eppard, JJ Veenhuizen, RH Sorbet, FC Buonomo, DF Curran, and RJ Collier
Serum half-life and in-vivo actions of recombinant bovine placental lactogen in the dairy cow
J Endocrinol 1992 132: 185-193. [Abstract]  

GV Kriel, MJ Bryant, and MA Lomax
Effect of dietary protein intake and intravenous glucose infusion on plasma concentrations of insulin-like growth factor-I in lambs
J Endocrinol 1992 132: 195-199. [Abstract]  

GA Lincoln and KI Maeda
Reproductive effects of placing micro-implants of melatonin in the mediobasal hypothalamus and preoptic area in rams
J Endocrinol 1992 132: 201-215. [Abstract]  

SF Lunn, GM Cowen, KD Morris, and HM Fraser
Influence of the gonad on the degree of suppression induced by an LHRH agonist implant in the marmoset monkey
J Endocrinol 1992 132: 217-224. [Abstract]  

GE Mann, AS McNeilly, and DT Baird
Hormone production in vivo and in vitro from follicles at different stages of the oestrous cycle in the sheep
J Endocrinol 1992 132: 225-234. [Abstract]  

GD Mataradze, RM Kurabekova, and VB Rozen
The role of sex steroids in the formation of sex-differentiated concentrations of corticosteroid-binding globulin in rats
J Endocrinol 1992 132: 235-240. [Abstract]  

BS Moonga, AS Alam, PJ Bevis, F Avaldi, R Soncini, CL Huang, and M Zaidi
Regulation of cytosolic free calcium in isolated rat osteoclasts by calcitonin
J Endocrinol 1992 132: 241-249. [Abstract]  

O Ortmann, K Johannsen, R Knuppen, and G Emons
Acute effects of oestradiol and progesterone on melittin- and gonadotrophin-releasing hormone-induced LH secretion
J Endocrinol 1992 132: 251-259. [Abstract]  

MJ Polanco, JL Miguel, MT Agapito, and JM Recio
Characterization of chicken lung angiotensin I-converting enzyme
J Endocrinol 1992 132: 261-268. [Abstract]  

PH Provencher, Y Tremblay, and A Belanger
Effects of C19 steroids on adrenal steroidogenic enzyme activities and their mRNA levels in guinea-pig fasciculata-glomerulosa cells in primary culture
J Endocrinol 1992 132: 269-276. [Abstract]  

G Robinson, JJ Evans, and KJ Catt
Oxytocin stimulates LH production by the anterior pituitary gland of the rat
J Endocrinol 1992 132: 277-283. [Abstract]  

TW Searle, JD Murray, and PJ Baker
Effect of increased production of growth hormone on body composition in mice: transgenic versus control
J Endocrinol 1992 132: 285-291. [Abstract]  

HH Steenfos and JO Jansson
Growth hormone stimulates granulation tissue formation and insulin-like growth factor-I gene expression in wound chambers in the rat
J Endocrinol 1992 132: 293-298. [Abstract]  

JP Wilding, SG Gilbey, M Mannan, N Aslam, MA Ghatei, and SR Bloom
Increased neuropeptide Y content in individual hypothalamic nuclei, but not neuropeptide Y mRNA, in diet-induced obesity in rats
J Endocrinol 1992 132: 299-304. [Abstract]  

H Sasano, K Fukushima, I Sasaki, S Matsuno, H Nagura, and ZS Krozowski
Immunolocalization of mineralocorticoid receptor in human kidney, pancreas, salivary, mammary and sweat glands: a light and electron microscopic immunohistochemical study
J Endocrinol 1992 132: 305-310. [Abstract]  

M Pizzi, S Rubessa, E Simonazzi, V Zanagnolo, L Falsetti, M Memo, and PF Spano
Requirement of oestrogens for the sensitivity of prolactin cells to vasoactive intestinal peptide in rats and man
J Endocrinol 1992 132: 311-316. [Abstract]  

A Giraud, JL Franc, Y Long, and J Ruf
Effects of deglycosylation of human thyroperoxidase on its enzymatic activity and immunoreactivity
J Endocrinol 1992 132: 317-323. [Abstract]  

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