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Contents: October 1991, Volume 131, Number 1   [Index by Author]       Other Issues:  
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M Peaker and MC Neville
Hormones in milk: chemical signals to the offspring?
J Endocrinol 1991 131: 1-3.  


JM Pell and R Aston
Active immunization with a synthetic peptide region of growth hormone: increased lean tissue growth
J Endocrinol 1991 131: 1-4. [Abstract]  

P Davies and CL Eaton
Regulation of prostate growth
J Endocrinol 1991 131: 5-17.  

LH Bootland, WG Hill, and PA Sinnett-Smith
Effects of exogenous growth hormone on growth and body composition in genetically selected mice
J Endocrinol 1991 131: 19-24. [Abstract]  

AM Cabanillas, AM Masini-Repiso, and AH Coleoni
Rat thyroid monoamine oxidase (MAO) is regulated by thyrotrophin: evidence that the main form of the enzyme (MAO-A) is not directly involved in iodide organification
J Endocrinol 1991 131: 25-31. [Abstract]  

AM Cortizo and JJ Gagliardino
Protein glycation: its role in the changes induced by diabetes in the properties of the serum insulin-like growth factor-I binding proteins
J Endocrinol 1991 131: 33-38. [Abstract]  

RJ Denver and S Harvey
Thyroidal inhibition of chicken pituitary growth hormone: alterations in secretion and accumulation of newly synthesized hormone
J Endocrinol 1991 131: 39-48. [Abstract]  

Q Dong, RM Lazarus, LS Wong, M Vellios, and DJ Handelsman
Pulsatile LH secretion in streptozotocin-induced diabetes in the rat
J Endocrinol 1991 131: 49-55. [Abstract]  

ES Gray and KM Kelley
Growth regulation in the gobiid teleost, Gillichthys mirabilis: roles of growth hormone, hepatic growth hormone receptors and insulin-like growth factor-I
J Endocrinol 1991 131: 57-66. [Abstract]  

S Iossa, G Liverini, and A Barletta
Effect of thyroid state and cold exposure on rat liver mitochondrial protein mass and function
J Endocrinol 1991 131: 67-73. [Abstract]  

J Miell, R Corder, PJ Miell, C McClean, and RC Gaillard
Effects of glucocorticoid treatment and acute passive immunization with growth hormone-releasing hormone and somatostatin antibodies on endogenous and stimulated growth hormone secretion in the male rat
J Endocrinol 1991 131: 75-86. [Abstract]  

AW Nangalama and GP Moberg
Interaction between cortisol and arachidonic acid on the secretion of LH from ovine pituitary tissue
J Endocrinol 1991 131: 87-94. [Abstract]  

RP Schaudies, J Grimes, D Davis, and O Koldovsky
Modulation of immunoreactive epidermal growth factor levels in the submandibular gland, pancreas, liver, kidney and gastrointestinal tract of suckling rats by cortisone and tri-iodothyronine
J Endocrinol 1991 131: 95-100. [Abstract]  

BP Setchell, A Locatelli, C Perreau, C Pisselet, I Fontaine, C Kuntz, J Saumande, J Fontaine, and MT Hochereau-de Reviers
The form and function of the Leydig cells in hypophysectomized rams treated with pituitary extract when spermatogenesis is disrupted by heating the testes
J Endocrinol 1991 131: 101-112. [Abstract]  

WJ Sheward, A Lim, B Alder, D Copolov, RC Dow, and G Fink
Hypothalamic release of atrial natriuretic factor and beta-endorphin into rat hypophysial portal plasma: relationship to oestrous cycle and effects of hypophysectomy
J Endocrinol 1991 131: 113-125. [Abstract]  

TC Skaar, Vega, JR, SN Pyke, and CR Baumrucker
Changes in insulin-like growth factor-binding proteins in bovine mammary secretions associated with pregnancy and parturition
J Endocrinol 1991 131: 127-133. [Abstract]  

M Sofue, Y Yoshimura, M Nishida, and J Kawada
Uptake of nicotinamide by rat pancreatic beta cells with regard to streptozotocin action
J Endocrinol 1991 131: 135-138. [Abstract]  

K Vikman, J Isgaard, and S Eden
Growth hormone regulation of insulin-like growth factor-I mRNA in rat adipose tissue and isolated rat adipocytes
J Endocrinol 1991 131: 139-145. [Abstract]  

DA Cowan, AT Kicman, CJ Walker, and MJ Wheeler
Effect of administration of human chorionic gonadotrophin on criteria used to assess testosterone administration in athletes
J Endocrinol 1991 131: 147-154. [Abstract]  

M Kato, M Hagiwara, Y Nimura, S Shionoya, and H Hidaka
Purification and characterization of calcium-calmodulin kinase II from human parathyroid glands
J Endocrinol 1991 131: 155-162. [Abstract]  

E Ur, M Faria, S Tsagarakis, JV Anderson, GM Besser, and A Grossman
Atrial natriuretic peptide in physiological doses does not inhibit the ACTH or cortisol response to corticotrophin-releasing hormone-41 in normal human subjects
J Endocrinol 1991 131: 163-167. [Abstract]  

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