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Contents: August 1991, Volume 130, Number 2   [Index by Author]       Other Issues:  
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JL Vallet, PJ Barker, GE Lamming, N Skinner, and NS Huskisson
A low molecular weight endometrial secretory protein which is increased by ovine trophoblast protein-1 is a beta 2-microglobulin-like protein
J Endocrinol 1991 130: 1-4. [Abstract]  

WR Miller and HM Fraser
Is cancer in women preventable by hormone manipulation?
J Endocrinol 1991 130: 165-168.  

T Battmann, S Melik Parsadaniantz, B Jeanjean, and B Kerdelhue
In-vivo inhibition of the preovulatory LH surge by substance P and in-vitro modulation of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone-induced LH release by substance P, oestradiol and progesterone in the female rat
J Endocrinol 1991 130: 169-175. [Abstract]  

TA Bramley, GS Menzies, RJ Williams, OS Kinsman, and DJ Adams
Binding sites for LH in Candida albicans: comparison with the mammalian corpus luteum LH receptor
J Endocrinol 1991 130: 177-190. [Abstract]  

T Joensuu, P Tuohimaa, and P Vilja
Avidin and ovalbumin induction by progesterone in chicken oviduct detected by sensitive immunoenzymometric assays
J Endocrinol 1991 130: 191-197. [Abstract]  

VJ Ayad, EL Matthews, DC Wathes, TJ Parkinson, and ML Wild
Autoradiographic localization of oxytocin receptors in the endometrium during the oestrous cycle of the ewe
J Endocrinol 1991 130: 199-206. [Abstract]  

JL Brown, KD Dahl, and PK Chakraborty
Effects of follicular fluid administration on serum bioactive and immunoactive FSH concentrations and compensatory testicular hypertrophy in hemicastrated prepubertal rats
J Endocrinol 1991 130: 207-212. [Abstract]  

W Farrugia, NA Yates, CL Fortune, JG McDougall, BA Scoggins, and JD Wark
The effect of uninephrectomy on osteocalcin metabolism in sheep: a direct evaluation of renal osteocalcin clearance
J Endocrinol 1991 130: 213-221. [Abstract]  

F Lu, K Yang, and Challis, JR
Characteristics and developmental changes of corticotrophin-releasing hormone-binding sites in the fetal sheep anterior pituitary gland
J Endocrinol 1991 130: 223-229. [Abstract]  

HD Nicholson, SE Guldenaar, GJ Boer, and BT Pickering
Testicular oxytocin: effects of intratesticular oxytocin in the rat
J Endocrinol 1991 130: 231-238. [Abstract]  

NK Green, MD Gammage, JA Franklyn, and MC Sheppard
Regulation by thyroid status of c-myc, c-fos and H-ras mRNAs in the rat myocardium
J Endocrinol 1991 130: 239-244. [Abstract]  

A Hofig, FA Simmen, FW Bazer, and RC Simmen
Effects of insulin-like growth factor-I on aromatase cytochrome P450 activity and oestradiol biosynthesis in preimplantation porcine conceptuses in vitro
J Endocrinol 1991 130: 245-250. [Abstract]  

CL Lin and HL Buttle
Progesterone receptor in the mammary tissue of pregnant and lactating gilts and the effect of tamoxifen treatment during late gestation
J Endocrinol 1991 130: 251-257. [Abstract]  

CL Lin and HL Buttle
Effect of oestradiol benzoate and tamoxifen on the growth of and induction of progesterone receptors in the uterus and mammary gland of immature pigs
J Endocrinol 1991 130: 259-265. [Abstract]  

J Oben, L Morgan, J Fletcher, and V Marks
Effect of the entero-pancreatic hormones, gastric inhibitory polypeptide and glucagon-like polypeptide-1(7-36) amide, on fatty acid synthesis in explants of rat adipose tissue
J Endocrinol 1991 130: 267-272. [Abstract]  

K Rajkumar, PJ Chedrese, H Ly, and BD Murphy
Protein kinase C, an endogenous regulator of hormone-induced cyclic AMP induction in porcine luteal cells
J Endocrinol 1991 130: 273-280. [Abstract]  

TE Rayner, MF Menadue, and Oliver, JR
Platelet-activating factor stimulates the release of atrial natriuretic factor from the rat heart
J Endocrinol 1991 130: 281-288. [Abstract]  

HJ Sander, HM Meijs-Roelofs, EC van Leeuwen, P Kramer, and WA van Cappellen
Initial ovulation rate and follicle population after injection of inhibin-neutralizing antiserum in the late-prepubertal rat
J Endocrinol 1991 130: 289-296. [Abstract]  

HJ Sander, P Kramer, EC van Leeuwen, WA van Cappellen, HM Meijs-Roelofs, and FH De Jong
Ovulation rate, follicle population and FSH levels in cyclic rats after administration of an inhibin-neutralizing antiserum
J Endocrinol 1991 130: 297-303. [Abstract]  

MJ VandeHaar, BM Moats-Staats, ML Davenport, JL Walker, JM Ketelslegers, BK Sharma, and LE Underwood
Reduced serum concentrations of insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) in protein-restricted growing rats are accompanied by reduced IGF-I mRNA levels in liver and skeletal muscle
J Endocrinol 1991 130: 305-312. [Abstract]  

PC Wynn, MC Stuart, AL Wallace, AC Kirby, and EF Annison
Influence of nutritional status on growth hormone-dependent circulating somatomedin-C activity in mature sheep
J Endocrinol 1991 130: 313-320. [Abstract]  

M Kurokawa, VP Michelangeli, and DM Findlay
Induction of calcitonin receptor expression by glucocorticoids in T47D human breast cancer cells
J Endocrinol 1991 130: 321-326. [Abstract]  

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