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Contents: August 1989, Volume 122, Number 2   [Index by Author]       Other Issues:  
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AJ Nimmo, EM Whitaker, Carstairs, JR, and JF Morrison
The presence of beta-adrenoceptors in rat endometrium is dependent on circulating oestrogen
J Endocrinol 1989 122: R1-R4. [Abstract]  

DJ Sirinathsinghji and RP Heavens
Stress-related peptide hormones in the placenta: their possible physiological significance
J Endocrinol 1989 122: 435-437.  

M Alkhalaf, G Chaminadas, AY Propper, and GL Adessi
Ultrastructural changes induced by oestradiol-17 beta, progesterone and oestrone-3-sulphate in guinea-pig endometrial glandular cells grown in primary culture
J Endocrinol 1989 122: 439-444. [Abstract]  

GK Barrell and GW Montgomery
Absence of circadian patterns of secretion of melatonin or cortisol in Weddell seals under continuous natural daylight
J Endocrinol 1989 122: 445-449. [Abstract]  

H Belhadj, L de Besi, CW Bardin, and RB Thau
The implication of opiates in the glucocorticoid-mediated inhibition of LH secretion in rats
J Endocrinol 1989 122: 451-456. [Abstract]  

WL Blake and SD Clarke
Growth hormone acutely increases glucose output by hepatocytes isolated from hypophysectomized rats
J Endocrinol 1989 122: 457-464. [Abstract]  

SE Chadio and FA Antoni
Characterization of oxytocin receptors in rat adenohypophysis using a radioiodinated receptor antagonist peptide
J Endocrinol 1989 122: 465-470. [Abstract]  

J Domin, JH Steel, N Adolphus, JM Burrin, U Leonhardt, JM Polak, and SR Bloom
The anterior pituitary content of neuromedin U-like immunoreactivity is altered by thyrotrophin-releasing hormone and thyroid hormone status in the rat
J Endocrinol 1989 122: 471-476. [Abstract]  

U Fingscheidt, GF Weinbauer, DM Robertson, DM de Kretser, and E Nieschlag
Radioimmunoassay of inhibin in the serum of male monkeys
J Endocrinol 1989 122: 477-483. [Abstract]  

AI Frankel, JC Chapman, and B Cook
Testes are asymmetric in the testicular hemicastration response of the male rat
J Endocrinol 1989 122: 485-488. [Abstract]  

GR Hart, C Proby, G Dedhia, TH Yeo, GF Joplin, and JM Burrin
Burmese Russell's viper venom causes hormone release from rat pituitary cells in vitro
J Endocrinol 1989 122: 489-494. [Abstract]  

T Higuchi, H Negoro, and J Arita
Reduced responses of prolactin and catecholamine to stress in the lactating rat
J Endocrinol 1989 122: 495-498. [Abstract]  

NP Lewis and DR Ferguson
[3H]angiotensin II binding to basolateral membranes from rat proximal renal tubule: effect of sodium intake and captopril
J Endocrinol 1989 122: 499-507. [Abstract]  

RJ Horton, H Francis, and IJ Clarke
Seasonal and steroid-dependent effects on the modulation of LH secretion in the ewe by intracerebroventricularly administered beta-endorphin or naloxone
J Endocrinol 1989 122: 509-517. [Abstract]  

KL Kolho and I Huhtaniemi
Suppression and recovery of pituitary gonadotrophin secretion in intact and orchidectomized rats treated neonatally with a gonadotrophin-releasing hormone antagonist
J Endocrinol 1989 122: 519-526. [Abstract]  

S Lausson, N Segond, G Milhaud, and JF Staub
Circadian rhythms of calcitonin gene expression in the rat
J Endocrinol 1989 122: 527-534. [Abstract]  

SA Nicholson
Stimulatory effect of caffeine on the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenocortical axis in the rat
J Endocrinol 1989 122: 535-543. [Abstract]  

SA Nicholson and B Gillham
Glucocorticoids act rapidly in vitro to attenuate second messenger responses to ACTH secretagogues in rats
J Endocrinol 1989 122: 545-551. [Abstract]  

M Puig-Domingo, JM Guerrero, A Menendez-Pelaez, and RJ Reiter
Melatonin specifically stimulates type-II thyroxine 5'-deiodination in brown adipose tissue of Syrian hamsters
J Endocrinol 1989 122: 553-556. [Abstract]  

K Rajkumar, H Ly, PW Schott, B Njaa, and BD Murphy
Evidence for differences in low density lipoprotein processing by porcine granulosa and luteal cells in vitro: effect of addition of serum for plating of granulosa cells on lipoprotein metabolism
J Endocrinol 1989 122: 557-564. [Abstract]  

JA Roe, JM Harper, and PJ Buttery
Protein metabolism in ovine primary muscle cultures derived from satellite cells--effects of selected peptide hormones and growth factors
J Endocrinol 1989 122: 565-571. [Abstract]  

BA Schlinger, AJ Fivizzani, and GV Callard
Aromatase, 5 alpha- and 5 beta-reductase in brain, pituitary and skin of the sex-role reversed Wilson's phalarope
J Endocrinol 1989 122: 573-581. [Abstract]  

H Sugihara, S Minami, and I Wakabayashi
Post-somatostatin rebound secretion of growth hormone is dependent on growth hormone-releasing factor in unrestrained female rats
J Endocrinol 1989 122: 583-591. [Abstract]  

AG Watts, WJ Sheward, D Whale, and G Fink
The effects of knife cuts in the sub-paraventricular zone of the female rat hypothalamus on oestrogen-induced diurnal surges of plasma prolactin and LH, and circadian wheel-running activity
J Endocrinol 1989 122: 593-604. [Abstract]  

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