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Contents: December 1987, Volume 115, Number 3   [Index by Author]       Other Issues:  
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R Melsert and FF Rommerts
Leydig cell steroid production in the presence of LH is further stimulated by rat testicular fluid, fetal calf serum and bovine follicular fluid, but not by rat and bovine serum
J Endocrinol 1987 115: R17-R20. [Abstract]  

SR Davis, Z Krozowski, RI McLachlan, and HG Burger
Inhibin gene expression in the human corpus luteum
J Endocrinol 1987 115: R21-R23. [Abstract]  

DJ Flint
Endocrine manipulation of animal growth
J Endocrinol 1987 115: 365-367.  

CG Dacke and AJ Shaw
Studies of the rapid effects of parathyroid hormone and prostaglandins on 45Ca uptake into chick and rat bone in vivo
J Endocrinol 1987 115: 369-377. [Abstract]  

YS Davidson, I Davies, and C Goddard
Renal vasopressin receptors in ageing C57BL/Icrfat mice
J Endocrinol 1987 115: 379-385. [Abstract]  

B Eckstein, I Khan, and G Gibori
Difference in luteal and placental P450(17) alpha: substrate preference and hormonal regulation in the rat
J Endocrinol 1987 115: 387-393. [Abstract]  

JJ Gomm, KP Ray, and M Wallis
Purification of ovine somatotrophs using a combination of density gradient centrifugation and short-term culture
J Endocrinol 1987 115: 395-403. [Abstract]  

S Karanth, A Dutt, and HS Juneja
Age-related release of prolactin by the pituitary and the pituitary-hypothalamic complex in vitro: an attempt to describe the development of the hypothalamic prolactin-inhibiting and -releasing activities in male rats
J Endocrinol 1987 115: 405-409. [Abstract]  

S Kyakumoto, R Kurokawa, and M Ota
Mechanism of replenishment of androgen receptors in cytosol of mouse submandibular gland
J Endocrinol 1987 115: 411-418. [Abstract]  

BM Lewis, C Dieguez, MD Lewis, and MF Scanlon
Dopamine stimulates release of thyrotrophin-releasing hormone from perfused intact rat hypothalamus via hypothalamic D2-receptors
J Endocrinol 1987 115: 419-424. [Abstract]  

GA Lincoln, FJ Ebling, and GB Martin
Endogenous opioid control of pulsatile LH secretion in rams: modulation by photoperiod and gonadal steroids
J Endocrinol 1987 115: 425-438. [Abstract]  

GE Lobley, A Connell, V Buchan, PA Skene, and JM Fletcher
Administration of testosterone to wether lambs: effects on protein and energy metabolism and growth hormone status
J Endocrinol 1987 115: 439-445. [Abstract]  

M Koutsilieris, SA Rabbani, and D Goltzman
Effects of human prostatic mitogens on rat bone cells and fibroblasts
J Endocrinol 1987 115: 447-454. [Abstract]  

DJ Morton
Hydroxyindole-O-methyltransferase catalyses production of methoxyindoles in rat pineal gland dependent on the concentration of hydroxy precursors and their affinity for the enzyme
J Endocrinol 1987 115: 455-458. [Abstract]  

JM Reul, FR van den Bosch, and ER de Kloet
Relative occupation of type-I and type-II corticosteroid receptors in rat brain following stress and dexamethasone treatment: functional implications
J Endocrinol 1987 115: 459-467. [Abstract]  

GA Schuiling, N Pols-Valkhof, H Moes, and TR Koiter
Plasma gonadotrophin concentrations, pituitary gonadotrophin content and pituitary responsiveness to LHRH in rats treated with LHRH and oestradiol benzoate
J Endocrinol 1987 115: 469-475. [Abstract]  

N Takasu, M Murakami, Y Nagasawa, T Yamada, Y Shimizu, I Kojima, and E Ogata
Ca2+ ionophore A23187-induced rise in cytoplasmic free calcium and iodide discharge in porcine thyroid cells: measurement of cytoplasmic free calcium by aequorin
J Endocrinol 1987 115: 477-480. [Abstract]  

AP Weetman, C Green, and LK Borysiewicz
Regulation of major histocompatibility complex class II antigen expression by the FRTL-5 rat thyroid cell line
J Endocrinol 1987 115: 481-487. [Abstract]  

A Widmark, JE Damber, and A Bergh
Effects of oestradiol-17 beta on testicular microcirculation in rats
J Endocrinol 1987 115: 489-495. [Abstract]  

DF Wood, K Docherty, DB Ramsden, KI Shennan, and MC Sheppard
Thyroid status affects the regulation of prolactin mRNA accumulation by tri-iodothyronine and thyrotrophin-releasing hormone in cultured rat anterior pituitary cells
J Endocrinol 1987 115: 497-503. [Abstract]  

NM Wulffraat, HA Drexhage, P Jeucken, RD van der Gaag, and WM Wiersinga
Effects of ACTH and ACTH fragments on DNA synthesis in guinea-pig adrenal segments kept in organ culture
J Endocrinol 1987 115: 505-510. [Abstract]  

M Zaidi, TJ Chambers, RE Gaines Das, HR Morris, and I MacIntyre
A direct action of human calcitonin gene-related peptide on isolated osteoclasts
J Endocrinol 1987 115: 511-518. [Abstract]  

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