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Contents: February 1987, Volume 112, Number 2   [Index by Author]       Other Issues: Previous Next  
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To see an article, click its [Full Text] or [PDF] link. To review many abstracts, check the boxes to the left of the titles you want, and click the 'Get All Checked Abstract(s)' button. To see one abstract at a time, click its [Abstract] link.


R. Fraser

J Endocrinol 1987: 179–181. [Abstract] [PDF] FREE  


D. G. Armstrong

J Endocrinol 1987: 183–187. [Abstract] [PDF]  

C. Alexandre and J. Balthazart

J Endocrinol 1987: 189–195. [Abstract] [PDF]  

G. P. Risbridger, J. B. Kerr, and D. M. de Kretser

J Endocrinol 1987: 197–NP. [Abstract] [PDF]  

C. J. Ashworth, I. Wilmut, A. J. Springbett, and R. Webb

J Endocrinol 1987: 205–213. [Abstract] [PDF]  

A. Bartke, W. W. Morgan, R. N. Clayton, T. K. Banerji, A. M. Brodie, T. A. Parkening, and T. J. Collins

J Endocrinol 1987: 215–220. [Abstract] [PDF]  

P. Shrenker and A. Bartke

J Endocrinol 1987: 221–228. [Abstract] [PDF]  

J. Buyse, E. Decuypere, P. J. Sharp, L. M. Huybrechts, E. R. Kühn, and C. Whitehead

J Endocrinol 1987: 229–237. [Abstract] [PDF]  

P. K. De and R. K. Banerjee

J Endocrinol 1987: 239–245. [Abstract] [PDF]  

C. J. Edmonds and J. Mackenzie

J Endocrinol 1987: 247–252. [Abstract] [PDF]  

D. B. Jones, D. Marante, B. C. Williams, and C. R. W. Edwards

J Endocrinol 1987: 253–258. [Abstract] [PDF]  

A. Klein, B. Bruser, J. B. Robinson, P. H. Pinkerton, and A. Malkin

J Endocrinol 1987: 259–264. [Abstract] [PDF]  

J. de Koning, A. M. I. Tijssen, and G. P. van Rees

J Endocrinol 1987: 265–273. [Abstract] [PDF]  

E. van Leengoed, E. Kerker, and H. H. Swanson

J Endocrinol 1987: 275–282. [Abstract] [PDF]  

A. M. Lucas, A. J. Thody, and S. Shuster

J Endocrinol 1987: 283–287. [Abstract] [PDF]  

R. P. McIntosh, J. E. A. McIntosh, and L. Starling

J Endocrinol 1987: 289–298. [Abstract] [PDF]  

J. A. Millett, S. M. Holland, J. Alaghband-Zadeh, and H. E. de Wardener

J Endocrinol 1987: 299–303. [Abstract] [PDF]  

R. F. Parrott, S. N. Thornton, M. L. Forsling, and C. E. Delaney

J Endocrinol 1987: 305–310. [Abstract] [PDF]  

H. D. Nicholson, R. T. S. Worley, S. E. F. Guldenaar, and B. T. Pickering

J Endocrinol 1987: 311–NP. [Abstract] [PDF]  

J. E. Sánchez-Criado, K. Ochiai, and I. Rothchild

J Endocrinol 1987: 317–322. [Abstract] [PDF]  

W. G. E. J. Schoonen, J. G. D. Lambert, J. W. Resink, W. J. A. R. Viveen, and P. G. W. J. Van Oordt

J Endocrinol 1987: 323–332. [Abstract] [PDF]  

G. B. Kudolo, M. G. Elder, and L. Myatt

J Endocrinol 1987: 333–338. [Abstract] [PDF]  

To see an article, click its [Full Text] or [PDF] link. To review many abstracts, check the boxes to the left of the titles you want, and click the 'Get All Checked Abstract(s)' button. To see one abstract at a time, click its [Abstract] link.

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