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Contents: January 1986, Volume 108, Number 1   [Index by Author]       Other Issues:  
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RA Anderson and R Mitchell
Effects of gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor agonists on the secretion of growth hormone, luteinizing hormone, adrenocorticotrophic hormone and thyroid-stimulating hormone from the rat pituitary gland in vitro
J Endocrinol 1986 108: 1-8. [Abstract]  

N Jenkins and JD Ellison
Corticosteroids suppress plasminogen activation in the bovine Sertoli cell
J Endocrinol 1986 108: R1-R3. [Abstract]  

B Auf'mkolk and RD Hesch
Renal adenylate cyclase assay for biologically active parathyroid hormone: clinical utility and physiological significance
J Endocrinol 1986 108: 9-15. [Abstract]  

BT Bjornsson, C Haux, L Forlin, and LJ Deftos
The involvement of calcitonin in the reproductive physiology of the rainbow trout
J Endocrinol 1986 108: 17-23. [Abstract]  

A Blacklay, A Grossman, RJ Ross, MO Savage, PS Davies, PN Plowman, DH Coy, and GM Besser
Cranial irradiation for cerebral and nasopharyngeal tumours in children: evidence for the production of a hypothalamic defect in growth hormone release
J Endocrinol 1986 108: 25-29. [Abstract]  

RW Kuhn, AL Green, WJ Raymoure, and PK Siiteri
Immunocytochemical localization of corticosteroid-binding globulin in rat tissues
J Endocrinol 1986 108: 31-36. [Abstract]  

JM Burrin, TH Yeo, MJ Ashby, and SR Bloom
Effect of ketoconazole on adrenocorticotrophic hormone secretion in vitro and in vivo
J Endocrinol 1986 108: 37-41. [Abstract]  

JA Franklyn, T Lynam, K Docherty, DB Ramsden, and MC Sheppard
Effect of hypothyroidism on pituitary cytoplasmic concentrations of messenger RNA encoding thyrotrophin beta and alpha subunits, prolactin and growth hormone
J Endocrinol 1986 108: 43-47. [Abstract]  

AC Hale, GM Besser, and LH Rees
Characterization of pro-opiomelanocortin-derived peptides in pituitary and ectopic adrenocorticotrophin-secreting tumours
J Endocrinol 1986 108: 49-56. [Abstract]  

ML Khurana and ML Madan
Seasonal influence on thyroidal response to thyrotrophin-releasing hormone in cattle and buffaloes
J Endocrinol 1986 108: 57-61. [Abstract]  

IR McDonald, AK Lee, KA Than, and RW Martin
Failure of glucocorticoid feedback in males of a population of small marsupials (Antechinus swainsonii) during the period of mating
J Endocrinol 1986 108: 63-68. [Abstract]  

JA Millett, SM Holland, J Alaghband-Zadeh, and HE de Wardener
Na-K-ATPase-inhibiting and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase-stimulating activity of plasma and hypothalamus of the Okamoto spontaneously hypertensive rat
J Endocrinol 1986 108: 69-73. [Abstract]  

V Moutsatsou and RE Oakey
Oestriol and non-protein-bound oestriol concentrations in human peripheral plasma before labour and delivery
J Endocrinol 1986 108: 75-80. [Abstract]  

Y Nys, R Bouillon, H Van Baelen, and J Williams
Ontogeny and oestradiol dependence of vitamin D-binding protein blood levels in chickens
J Endocrinol 1986 108: 81-87. [Abstract]  

F Petraglia, V Locatelli, F Facchinetti, M Bergamaschi, AR Genazzani, and D Cocchi
Oestrous cycle-related LH responsiveness to naloxone: effect of high oestrogen levels on the activity of opioid receptors
J Endocrinol 1986 108: 89-94. [Abstract]  

C Pippard and PH Baylis
Prolactin stimulates Na+-K+-ATPase activity located in the outer renal medulla of the rat
J Endocrinol 1986 108: 95-99. [Abstract]  

MA Rea, GR Marshall, GF Weinbauer, and E Nieschlag
Testosterone maintains pituitary and serum FSH and spermatogenesis in gonadotrophin-releasing hormone antagonist-suppressed rats
J Endocrinol 1986 108: 101-107. [Abstract]  

GE Rice, G Jenkin, and GD Thorburn
Comparison of particle-associated progesterone and oxytocin in the ovine corpus luteum
J Endocrinol 1986 108: 109-116. [Abstract]  

V Rider, MY Wang, C Finn, RB Heap, and A Feinstein
Anti-fertility effect of passive immunization against progesterone is influenced by genotype
J Endocrinol 1986 108: 117-121. [Abstract]  

N Sato, Y Ohara-Nemoto, and M Ota
Transformation of androgen receptors from mouse submandibular glands by gel chromatography
J Endocrinol 1986 108: 123-127. [Abstract]  

PJ Sharp, DG Armstrong, and R Moss
Changes in aromatase activity in the neuroendocrine tissues of red grouse (Lagopus lagopus scoticus) in relation to the development of long-day refractoriness
J Endocrinol 1986 108: 129-135. [Abstract]  

M Silver, AL Fowden, RS Comline, and SR Bloom
Pancreatic alpha cell function in the fetal and newborn pig
J Endocrinol 1986 108: 137-142. [Abstract]  

AJ Summerlee, AC Paisley, KT O'Byrne, KM Fairhall, IC Robinson, and J Fletcher
Aspects of the neuronal and endocrine components of reflex milk ejection in conscious rabbits
J Endocrinol 1986 108: 143-149. [Abstract]  

H Suzuki, AS Tischler, ND Christofides, M Chretien, NG Seidah, JM Polak, and SR Bloom
A novel pituitary protein (7B2)-like immunoreactivity is secreted by a rat phaeochromocytoma cell line (PC12)
J Endocrinol 1986 108: 151-155. [Abstract]  

D Turyn, RS da Silva, M Marques, and JM Dellacha
Characterization of the insulin-binding sites in turtle thyroid microsomes
J Endocrinol 1986 108: 157-162. [Abstract]  

TD Williams, DC Abel, CM King, RY Jelley, and SL Lightman
Vasopressin and oxytocin responses to acute and chronic osmotic stimuli in man
J Endocrinol 1986 108: 163-168. [Abstract]  

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