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Contents: November 1985, Volume 107, Number 2   [Index by Author]       Other Issues:  
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SD Abbot, K Docherty, JL Roberts, MA Tepper, WW Chin, and RN Clayton
Castration increases luteinizing hormone subunit messenger RNA levels in male rat pituitaries
J Endocrinol 1985 107: R1-R4. [Abstract]  

H Imura, Y Kato, Y Nakai, K Nakao, I Tanaka, H Jingami, T Koh, T Yoshimasa, T Tsukada, and M Suda
Endogenous opioids and related peptides: from molecular biology to clinical medicine. The Sir Henry Dale lecture for 1985
J Endocrinol 1985 107: 147-157. [Abstract]  

H Al-Khouri and BD Greenstein
Progesterone receptors in rat brain and uterus: dependence on the hormonal milieu
J Endocrinol 1985 107: 159-162. [Abstract]  

PI Allen, KA Batty, CA Dodd, J Herbert, CJ Hugh, GF Moore, MJ Seymour, HM Shiers, PM Stacey, and SK Young
Dissociation between emotional and endocrine responses preceding an academic examination in male medical students
J Endocrinol 1985 107: 163-170. [Abstract]  

JP Barlet
Prolactin and calcium metabolism in pregnant ewes
J Endocrinol 1985 107: 171-175. [Abstract]  

RJ Bell, JG McDougall, X Wang, and EM Wintour
Effects of maternal sodium depletion on the composition of ovine fetal fluids
J Endocrinol 1985 107: 177-182. [Abstract]  

RC Bonney
Measurement of phospholipase A2 activity in human endometrium during the menstrual cycle
J Endocrinol 1985 107: 183-189. [Abstract]  

CG Brown, N White, and SL Jeffcoate
Oestrogen-2/4-hydroxylase activity in the rat brain during lactation and throughout the oestrous cycle
J Endocrinol 1985 107: 191-196. [Abstract]  

ZD Cao, MA Jones, and MJ Harper
Progesterone and oestradiol receptor concentration and translocation in uterine tissue of rabbits treated with indomethacin
J Endocrinol 1985 107: 197-203. [Abstract]  

NJ Darby, S Spencer, A Lodola, and FR Burnet
Developmental changes in the rate of production of an unusual testosterone metabolite, 4-androstene-3 alpha, 17 beta-diol, by chick liver microsomes
J Endocrinol 1985 107: 205-209. [Abstract]  

BK Follett and TJ Nicholls
Influences of thyroidectomy and thyroxine replacement on photoperiodically controlled reproduction in quail
J Endocrinol 1985 107: 211-221. [Abstract]  

H Fujii-Hanamoto, K Seiki, K Sakabe, and H Ogawa
Progestin receptor in the thymus of ovariectomized immature rats
J Endocrinol 1985 107: 223-229. [Abstract]  

RP McIntosh and JE McIntosh
Amplitude of episodic release of LH as a measure of pituitary function analysed from the time-course of hormone levels in the blood: comparison of four menstrual cycles in an individual
J Endocrinol 1985 107: 231-239. [Abstract]  

I Pollard and SL Dyer
Effect of stress administered during pregnancy on the development of fetal testes and their subsequent function in the adult rat
J Endocrinol 1985 107: 241-245. [Abstract]  

JC Reubi
Central nervous system-mediated growth inhibition of a rat prostate carcinoma by an opioid
J Endocrinol 1985 107: 247-250. [Abstract]  

HJ Sander, HM Meijs-Roelofs, P Kramer, and EC van Leeuwen
Inhibin-like activity in ovarian homogenates of prepubertal female rats and its physiological significance
J Endocrinol 1985 107: 251-257. [Abstract]  

J Saumande and SK Batra
Superovulation in the cow: comparison of oestradiol-17 beta and progesterone patterns in plasma and milk of cows induced to superovulate; relationships with ovarian responses
J Endocrinol 1985 107: 259-264. [Abstract]  

AM Scott, CM Dawson, and AA Goncalves
Comparison of glucose-induced changes in electrical activity, insulin release, lactate output and potassium permeability between normal and ob/ob mouse islets: effects of cooling
J Endocrinol 1985 107: 265-273. [Abstract]  

N Watanabe, RG Rosenfeld, RL Hintz, LA Dollar, and RL Smith
Characterization of a specific insulin-like growth factor-I/somatomedin-C receptor on high density, primary monolayer cultures of bovine articular chondrocytes: regulation of receptor concentration by somatomedin, insulin and growth hormone
J Endocrinol 1985 107: 275-283. [Abstract]  

J Wiersma and J Kastelijn
A chronic technique for high frequency blood sampling/transfusion in the freely behaving rat which does not affect prolactin and corticosterone secretion
J Endocrinol 1985 107: 285-292. [Abstract]  

DL Willcox, JL Yovich, SC McColm, and LH Schmitt
Changes in total and free concentrations of steroid hormones in the plasma of women throughout pregnancy: effects of medroxyprogesterone acetate in the first trimester
J Endocrinol 1985 107: 293-300. [Abstract]  

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