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Contents: July 1985, Volume 106, Number 1   [Index by Author]       Other Issues:  
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RG Clark and IC Robinson
Effects of a fragment of human growth hormone-releasing factor in normal and 'Little' mice
J Endocrinol 1985 106: 1-5. [Abstract]  

KE Hudson and SG Hillier
Catechol oestradiol control of FSH-stimulated granulosa cell steroidogenesis
J Endocrinol 1985 106: R1-R4. [Abstract]  

J Falconer, JA Owens, E Allotta, and JS Robinson
Effect of restriction of placental growth on the concentrations of insulin, glucose and placental lactogen in the plasma of sheep
J Endocrinol 1985 106: 7-11. [Abstract]  

SC Reader, B Davison, JG Ratcliffe, and WR Robertson
Measurement of low concentrations of bovine thyrotrophin by iodide uptake and organification in porcine thyrocytes
J Endocrinol 1985 106: 13-20. [Abstract]  

C Foltzer, MT Strosser, S Harvey, and P Mialhe
Control of plasma levels of growth hormone, glucagon and insulin in ducklings: roles of free fatty acids and somatostatin
J Endocrinol 1985 106: 21-25. [Abstract]  

JD Heather and SA Whitehead
Changes in pituitary responsiveness to LH-releasing hormone after acute buserelin treatment: a time-course and dose-response study
J Endocrinol 1985 106: 27-30. [Abstract]  

G Watanabe, K Taya, and S Sasamoto
Induction of selective release of FSH in castrated male rats bearing an ovarian transplant by the administration of human chorionic gonadotrophin
J Endocrinol 1985 106: 31-36. [Abstract]  

C Hiemke, B Poetz, and R Ghraf
Antioestrogen inhibition of oestradiol-induced alterations in hypothalamic noradrenaline turnover
J Endocrinol 1985 106: 37-42. [Abstract]  

SE Huyler, WR Butler, A Grandis, C Mann, JP Figueroa, PW Nathanielsz, M Mitchell, and S Handwerger
Stimulation of ovine placental lactogen secretion by arachidonic acid
J Endocrinol 1985 106: 43-47. [Abstract]  

MA Jones, TJ Kuehl, and MJ Harper
[3H]Prostaglandin accumulation in vitro by baboon uterus
J Endocrinol 1985 106: 49-53. [Abstract]  

SJ Legan, RL Goodman, KD Ryan, DL Foster, and FJ Karsch
Can the transition into anoestrus in the ewe be accounted for solely by insufficient tonic LH secretion?
J Endocrinol 1985 106: 55-60. [Abstract]  

HM Meijs-Roelofs, P Kramer, and P Osman
Precocious ovulation induced by human chorionic gonadotrophin in the immature female rat: comparison of follicle growth induced by treatment with human chorionic gonadotrophin and by electrical stimulation of the hypothalamus
J Endocrinol 1985 106: 61-66. [Abstract]  

RP Moudgal and MN Razdan
Induction of ovulation in vitro in the hen: dependency of the response to LH on age and rate of lay
J Endocrinol 1985 106: 67-69. [Abstract]  

RC Pak, KW Tsim, and CH Cheng
The role of neonatal and pubertal gonadal hormones in regulating the sex dependence of the hepatic microsomal testosterone 5-reductase activity in the rat
J Endocrinol 1985 106: 71-79. [Abstract]  

F Pansini, CM Bergamini, M Malfaccini, G Cocilovo, M Linciano, M Jacobs, and B Bagni
Multiple molecular forms of prolactin during pregnancy in women
J Endocrinol 1985 106: 81-85. [Abstract]  

CJ Pearce, PG Byfield, N Veall, and RL Himsworth
Iodothyronine kinetics in the rabbit: an experimental model
J Endocrinol 1985 106: 87-94. [Abstract]  

H Rochman, B Rosner, B Mathey, GE Getz, and V Hospelhorn
Age, sex and gonadal influences on oestrogen receptor content in the rat liver
J Endocrinol 1985 106: 95-102. [Abstract]  

C Sernia, L Sinton, WG Thomas, and W Pascoe
Liver angiotensin II receptors in the rat: binding properties and regulation by dietary Na+ and angiotensin II
J Endocrinol 1985 106: 103-111. [Abstract]  

WJ Sheward, HM Fraser, and G Fink
Effect of immunoneutralization of thyrotrophin-releasing hormone on the release of thyrotrophin and prolactin during suckling or in response to electrical stimulation of the hypothalamus in the anaesthetized rat
J Endocrinol 1985 106: 113-119. [Abstract]  

GS Spencer, GJ Garssen, B Colenbrander, and JC Meijer
Effect of somatostatin and thyrotrophin-releasing hormone on the levels of growth hormone in the circulation of the chronically catheterized pig fetus in utero
J Endocrinol 1985 106: 121-124. [Abstract]  

J Watanabe, S Kanamura, K Kanai, M Asada-Kubota, and M Oka
Inhibitory effect of colchicine and vinblastine on transport of glucagon receptors to the plasma membrane in cultured rat hepatocytes
J Endocrinol 1985 106: 125-131. [Abstract]  

M Wilkinson and R Bhanot
Infantile ovariectomy potentiates the stimulatory effect of oestrogen/progesterone on LH secretion in the rat
J Endocrinol 1985 106: 133-139. [Abstract]  

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