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Contents: March 1985, Volume 104, Number 3   [Index by Author]       Other Issues:  
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DH Abbott, KA Batty, AK Dubey, J Herbert, and HM Shiers
The passage of 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone from serum into cerebrospinal fluid and LH negative feedback in castrated rhesus monkeys
J Endocrinol 1985 104: 325-330. [Abstract]  

U Beckford, J Herbert, MT Jones, ND Martensz, SA Nicholson, B Gillham, and JD Hamer
Relationship between adrenocorticotrophin bioactivity in blood and cerebrospinal fluid of rhesus monkeys
J Endocrinol 1985 104: 331-338. [Abstract]  

K Dakshinamurti, CS Paulose, JA Thliveris, and J Vriend
Thyroid function in pyridoxine-deficient young rats
J Endocrinol 1985 104: 339-344. [Abstract]  

F Bint Akhtar, GF Weinbauer, and E Nieschlag
Acute and chronic effects of a gonadotrophin-releasing hormone antagonist on pituitary and testicular function in monkeys
J Endocrinol 1985 104: 345-354. [Abstract]  

PJ O'Shaughnessy and DC Wathes
Characteristics of bovine luteal cells in culture: morphology, proliferation and progesterone secretion in different media and effects of LH, dibutyryl cyclic AMP, antioxidants and insulin
J Endocrinol 1985 104: 355-361. [Abstract]  

E Decuypere and ER Kuhn
Effect of a single injection of prolactin on the serum concentrations of thyroid hormones and corticosterone and liver monodeiodinase in the domestic fowl before and after hatching
J Endocrinol 1985 104: 363-366. [Abstract]  

RE Gaines Das and AF Bristow
The Second International Reference Preparation of Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone, Human, for Immunoassay: calibration by bioassay and immunoassay in an international collaborative study
J Endocrinol 1985 104: 367-379. [Abstract]  

FJ Henry and Bassett, JR
Corticosterone storage within the adrenal cortex: evidence for a sulphate conjugate
J Endocrinol 1985 104: 381-386. [Abstract]  

JP Hinson, GP Vinson, BJ Whitehouse, and G Price
Control of zona glomerulosa function in the isolated perfused rat adrenal gland in situ
J Endocrinol 1985 104: 387-395. [Abstract]  

AM Horn and G Fink
Effects of 5-hydroxytryptamine uptake blockers on the release of LH and prolactin in several different experimental steroid models in the rat
J Endocrinol 1985 104: 397-406. [Abstract]  

AM Horn and AG Watts
Effects of 5-hydroxytryptamine uptake blockers on the concentration in brain of 5-hydroxytryptamine and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid in male rats, pro-oestrous rats and ovariectomized rats treated with oestrogen and progesterone
J Endocrinol 1985 104: 407-413. [Abstract]  

AM Horn and G Fink
Parachlorophenylalanine blocks the spontaneous pro-oestrous surge of prolactin as well as LH and affects the secretion of oestradiol-17 beta
J Endocrinol 1985 104: 415-418. [Abstract]  

C Lindblom, P Sodersten, and P Eneroth
Effects of pup sucking behaviour on inhibition of sexual behaviour and ovulatory secretion of LH in lactating rats
J Endocrinol 1985 104: 419-425. [Abstract]  

G Forsberg, K Abrahamsson, P Sodersten, and P Eneroth
Effects of restricted maternal contact in neonatal rats on sexual behaviour in the adult
J Endocrinol 1985 104: 427-431. [Abstract]  

WM Moseley, LF Krabill, AR Friedman, and RF Olsen
Administration of synthetic human pancreatic growth hormone-releasing factor for five days sustains raised serum concentrations of growth hormone in steers
J Endocrinol 1985 104: 433-439. [Abstract]  

RF Walker, DW Wilson, PL Truran, GF Read, G Richards, SM Walker, and D Riad-Fahmy
Characterization of profiles of salivary progesterone concentrations during the luteal phase of fertile and subfertile women
J Endocrinol 1985 104: 441-446. [Abstract]  

JO Willoughby, H Pederick, P Jervois, M Menadue, and SJ Judd
Responses to prolactin secretagogues in oestrogen-treated rats suggest that the defect in prolactin regulation produced by oestrogen is at the level of the pituitary gland
J Endocrinol 1985 104: 447-452. [Abstract]  

JL Yovich, DL Willcox, SP Wilkinson, VM Poletti, and R Hahnel
Medroxyprogesterone acetate does not perturb the profile of steroid metabolites in urine during pregnancy
J Endocrinol 1985 104: 453-459. [Abstract]  

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