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Contents: January 1984, Volume 100, Number 1   [Index by Author]       Other Issues:  
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L Zuckerman
The launching of the Journal of Endocrinology and the founding of the Society for Endocrinology
J Endocrinol 1984 100: 1-5.  

SF Pang and F Tang
Sex differences in the serum concentrations of testosterone in mice and hamsters during their critical periods of neural sexual differentiation
J Endocrinol 1984 100: 7-11. [Abstract]  

J Balthazart and M Schumacher
Changes in testosterone metabolism by the brain and cloacal gland during sexual maturation in the Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica)
J Endocrinol 1984 100: 13-18. [Abstract]  

J Balthazart, M Schumacher, and G Malacarne
Relative potencies of testosterone and 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone on crowing and cloacal gland growth in the Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica)
J Endocrinol 1984 100: 19-23. [Abstract]  

BA Panaretto, Z Leish, GP Moore, and DM Robertson
Inhibition of DNA synthesis in dermal tissue of merino sheep treated with depilatory doses of mouse epidermal growth factor
J Endocrinol 1984 100: 25-31. [Abstract]  

HF Huang, P Zaidi, and E Nieschlag
Pituitary-testicular interrelationships during germinal involution in the vitamin A deficient rat
J Endocrinol 1984 100: 33-41. [Abstract]  

TE Nass, PS LaPolt, HL Judd, and JK Lu
Alterations in ovarian steroid and gonadotrophin secretion preceding the cessation of regular oestrous cycles in ageing female rats
J Endocrinol 1984 100: 43-50. [Abstract]  

PL Storring, G Witthaus, RE Gaines Das, and W Stamm
The International Reference Preparation of Tetracosactide for Bioassay: characterization and estimation of its (1-24)corticotrophin-tetracosapeptide content by physicochemical and biological methods
J Endocrinol 1984 100: 51-60. [Abstract]  

G Jenkin, RT Gemmell, and GD Thorburn
Induction of transient functional luteolysis in cyclic sheep by a 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase inhibitor
J Endocrinol 1984 100: 61-66. [Abstract]  

KP McNatty, N Hudson, M Gibb, K Ball, J Fannin, L Kieboom, and DC Thurley
Effects of long-term treatment with LH on induction of cyclic ovarian activity in seasonally anoestrous ewes
J Endocrinol 1984 100: 67-73. [Abstract]  

MG Metcalf, JJ Evans, and JA Mackenzie
Indices of ovulation: comparison of plasma and salivary levels of progesterone with urinary pregnanediol
J Endocrinol 1984 100: 75-80. [Abstract]  

DG Armstrong
Ovarian aromatase activity in the domestic fowl (Gallus domesticus)
J Endocrinol 1984 100: 81-86. [Abstract]  

IA Forsyth and A Turvey
Fatty acid synthesis by explant cultures from the mammary glands of goats on days 60 and 120 of pregnancy
J Endocrinol 1984 100: 87-92. [Abstract]  

CJ Kenyon, NA Saccoccio, and DJ Morris
Aldosterone effects on water and electrolyte metabolism
J Endocrinol 1984 100: 93-100. [Abstract]  

HE Albers, ML Moline, and MC Moore-Ede
Sex differences in circadian control of LH secretion
J Endocrinol 1984 100: 101-105. [Abstract]  

TW Gettys, MJ D'Occhio, DM Henricks, and BD Schanbacher
Suppression of LH secretion by oestradiol, dihydrotestosterone and trenbolone acetate in the acutely castrated bull
J Endocrinol 1984 100: 107-112. [Abstract]  

E Davies Jones and B Rees Smith
A water-soluble fragment of the thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor which binds both thyroid-stimulating hormone and thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor antibodies
J Endocrinol 1984 100: 113-118. [Abstract]  

Hay WW, Jr, JW Sparks, M Gilbert, FC Battaglia, and G Meschia
Effect of insulin on glucose uptake by the maternal hindlimb and uterus, and by the fetus in conscious pregnant sheep
J Endocrinol 1984 100: 119-124. [Abstract]  

JS Tindal and LA Blake
Central inhibition of milk ejection in the rabbit: involvement of hippocampus and subiculum
J Endocrinol 1984 100: 125-129. [Abstract]  

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