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Contents: December 2006, Volume 37, Number 3   [Index by Author] 
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Niamh Cosgrave, Arnold D K Hill, and Leonie S Young
Growth factor-dependent regulation of survivin by c-myc in human breast cancer
J Mol Endocrinol 2006 37: 377-390. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]  

Noelia Pinal-Seoane, Ivan Rodríguez Martin, Veronica Gonzalez-Nuñez, Ezequiel Marron Fernandez de Velasco, Francisco Alvar Alvarez, Rogelio Gonzalez Sarmiento, and Raquel E Rodriguez
Characterization of a new duplicate -opioid receptor from zebrafish
J Mol Endocrinol 2006 37: 391-403. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]  

P Hanifi-Moghaddam, B Sijmons, M C Ott, W F J van IJcken, D Nowzari, E C M Kuhne, P van der Spek, H J Kloosterboer, C W Burger, and L J Blok
The hormone replacement therapy drug tibolone acts very similar to medroxyprogesterone acetate in an estrogen-and progesterone-responsive endometrial cancer cell line
J Mol Endocrinol 2006 37: 405-413. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]  

Luke A Noon, Artem Bakmanidis, Adrian J L Clark, Peter J O’Shaughnessy, and Peter J King
Identification of a novel melanocortin 2 receptor splice variant in murine adipocytes: implications for post-transcriptional control of expression during adipogenesis
J Mol Endocrinol 2006 37: 415-420. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]  

Andrea J Lengi, Rebecca A Phillips, Ebru Karpuzoglu, and Sattar Ansar Ahmed
17ß-Estradiol downregulates interferon regulatory factor-1 in murine splenocytes
J Mol Endocrinol 2006 37: 421-432. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]  

Cissi Gardmo and Agneta Mode
In vivo transfection of rat liver discloses binding sites conveying GH-dependent and female-specific gene expression
J Mol Endocrinol 2006 37: 433-441. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]  

Edwin J W Geven, Folkert Verkaar, Gert Flik, and Peter H M Klaren
Experimental hyperthyroidism and central mediators of stress axis and thyroid axis activity in common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.)
J Mol Endocrinol 2006 37: 443-452. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]  

J Bryndová, P Klusonová, M Kucka, K Mazancová-Vagnerová, I Miksík, and J Pácha
Cloning and expression of chicken 20-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase
J Mol Endocrinol 2006 37: 453-462. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]  

Jens Vanselow, Wei Yang, Jens Herrmann, Holm Zerbe, Hans-Joachim Schuberth, Wolfram Petzl, Wolfgang Tomek, and Hans-Martin Seyfert
DNA-remethylation around a STAT5-binding enhancer in the S1-casein promoter is associated with abrupt shutdown of S1-casein synthesis during acute mastitis
J Mol Endocrinol 2006 37: 463-477. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]  

Shaun P Brothers, Jo Ann Janovick, and P Michael Conn
Calnexin regulated gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor plasma membrane expression
J Mol Endocrinol 2006 37: 479-488. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]  

Maurizio Longo, Barbara Peruzzi, Dario Fortunati, Veronica De Luca, Stefanie Denger, Gianfranco Caselli, Silvia Migliaccio, and Anna Teti
Modulation of human estrogen receptor F promoter by a protein kinase C/c-Src-dependent mechanism in osteoblast-like cells
J Mol Endocrinol 2006 37: 489-502. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]  

Yonghua Jiang and Stanko S Stojilkovic
Molecular cloning and characterization of 1-soluble guanylyl cyclase gene promoter in rat pituitary cells
J Mol Endocrinol 2006 37: 503-515. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]  

Narudee Kashemsant and Catherine B Chan
Impact of uncoupling protein-2 overexpression on proinsulin processing
J Mol Endocrinol 2006 37: 517-526. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]  

W Grzesiuk, J Nieminuszczy, M Kruszewski, T Iwanienko, M Plazinska, M Bogdanska, E Bar-Andziak, L Królicki, and E Grzesiuk
DNA damage and its repair in lymphocytes and thyroid nodule cells during radioiodine therapy in patients with hyperthyroidism
J Mol Endocrinol 2006 37: 527-532. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]  

Ruifang Yang, Xingji You, Xiaolu Tang, Lu Gao, and Xin Ni
Corticotropin-releasing hormone inhibits progesterone production in cultured human placental trophoblasts
J Mol Endocrinol 2006 37: 533-540. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]  

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