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Contents: April 2005, Volume 34, Number 2   [Index by Author] 
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Arnaud Droit, Guy G Poirier, and Joanna M Hunter
Experimental and bioinformatic approaches for interrogating protein–protein interactions to determine protein function
J Mol Endocrinol 2005 34: 263-280. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

H K Kinyamu, J Chen, and T K Archer
Linking the ubiquitin–proteasome pathway to chromatin remodeling/modification by nuclear receptors
J Mol Endocrinol 2005 34: 281-297. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

Regular papers:

Young Ho Suh, Younyoung Kim, Jeong Hyun Bang, Kyoung Suk Choi, June Woo Lee, Won-Ho Kim, Tae Jeong Oh, Sungwhan An, and Myeong Ho Jung
Analysis of gene expression profiles in insulin-sensitive tissues from pre-diabetic and diabetic Zucker diabetic fatty rats
J Mol Endocrinol 2005 34: 299-315. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

A Blondet, J Gout, P Durand, M Bégeot, and D Naville
Expression of the human melanocortin-4 receptor gene is controlled by several members of the Sp transcription factor family
J Mol Endocrinol 2005 34: 317-329. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

Purificación Gómez, Francisco Pérez-Jiménez, Carmen Marín, Juan Antonio Moreno, María José Gómez, Cecilia Bellido, Pablo Pérez-Martínez, Francisco Fuentes, Juan Antonio Paniagua, and José López-Miranda
The –514 C/T polymorphism in the hepatic lipase gene promoter is associated with insulin sensitivity in a healthy young population
J Mol Endocrinol 2005 34: 331-338. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

I K Lund, J A Hansen, H S Andersen, N P H Møller, and N Billestrup
Mechanism of protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B-mediated inhibition of leptin signalling
J Mol Endocrinol 2005 34: 339-351. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

M Gröschl, H-G Topf, J Kratzsch, J Dötsch, W Rascher, and M Rauh
Salivary leptin induces increased expression of growth factors in oral keratinocytes
J Mol Endocrinol 2005 34: 353-366. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

E Anastasi, C Santangelo, A Bulotta, F Dotta, B Argenti, C Mincione, A Gulino, M Maroder, R Perfetti, and U Di Mario
The acquisition of an insulin-secreting phenotype by HGF-treated rat pancreatic ductal cells (ARIP) is associated with the development of susceptibility to cytokine-induced apoptosis
J Mol Endocrinol 2005 34: 367-376. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

Eugenio D’Amico, Hongxiang Hui, Nasif Khoury, Umberto Di Mario, and Riccardo Perfetti
Pancreatic ß-cells expressing GLP-1 are resistant to the toxic effects of immunosuppressive drugs
J Mol Endocrinol 2005 34: 377-390. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

Magdalene O Wilson, Kathleen T Scougall, Jarupa Ratanamart, Elizabeth A McIntyre, and James A M Shaw
Tetracycline-regulated secretion of human (pro)insulin following plasmid-mediated transfection of human muscle
J Mol Endocrinol 2005 34: 391-403. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

Ingrid Langer, Christelle Langlet, and Patrick Robberecht
Effect of inactivating mutations on phosphorylation and internalization of the human VPAC2 receptor
J Mol Endocrinol 2005 34: 405-414. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

Hong Zhou, Yonghua Jiang, Wendy K W Ko, Wensheng Li, and Anderson O L Wong
Paracrine regulation of growth hormone gene expression by gonadotrophin release in grass carp pituitary cells: functional implications, molecular mechanisms and signal transduction
J Mol Endocrinol 2005 34: 415-432. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

Hseng-Kuang Hsu, Pei-Lin Shao, Ke-Li Tsai, Huei-Chuan Shih, Tzu-Ying Lee, and Chin Hsu
Gene regulation by NMDA receptor activation in the SDN-POA neurons of male rats during sexual development
J Mol Endocrinol 2005 34: 433-445. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

R S Bhaskaran and M Ascoli
The post-endocytotic fate of the gonadotropin receptors is an important determinant of the desensitization of gonadotropin responses
J Mol Endocrinol 2005 34: 447-457. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

M Zhang, Y Tao, B Zhou, H Xie, F Wang, L Lei, L Huo, Q Sun, and G Xia
Atrial natriuretic peptide inhibits the actions of FSH and forskolin in meiotic maturation of pig oocytes via different signalling pathways
J Mol Endocrinol 2005 34: 459-472. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

D Liu, Z Zhang, and C T Teng
Estrogen-related receptor- and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor- coactivator-1 regulate estrogen-related receptor- gene expression via a conserved multi-hormone response element
J Mol Endocrinol 2005 34: 473-487. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

Thomas P Meehan, Barry G Harmon, Megan E Overcast, Kristine K Yu, Sally A Camper, David Puett, and Prema Narayan
Gonadal defects and hormonal alterations in transgenic mice expressing a single chain human chorionic gonadotropin–lutropin receptor complex
J Mol Endocrinol 2005 34: 489-503. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

E J Gold, X Zhang, A M Wheatley, S L Mellor, M Cranfield, G P Risbridger, N P Groome, and J S Fleming
ßA- and ßC-activin, follistatin, activin receptor mRNA and ßC-activin peptide expression during rat liver regeneration
J Mol Endocrinol 2005 34: 505-515. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

S Hombach-Klonisch, A Kehlen, P A Fowler, B Huppertz, J F Jugert, G Bischoff, E Schlüter, J Buchmann, and T Klonisch
Regulation of functional steroid receptors and ligand-induced responses in telomerase-immortalized human endometrial epithelial cells
J Mol Endocrinol 2005 34: 517-534. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

J G Moggs, T C Murphy, F L Lim, D J Moore, R Stuckey, K Antrobus, I Kimber, and G Orphanides
Anti-proliferative effect of estrogen in breast cancer cells that re-express ER is mediated by aberrant regulation of cell cycle genes
J Mol Endocrinol 2005 34: 535-551. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

L C Murphy, B Peng, A Lewis, J R Davie, E Leygue, A Kemp, K Ung, M Vendetti, and R Shiu
Inducible upregulation of oestrogen receptor-ß1 affects oestrogen and tamoxifen responsiveness in MCF7 human breast cancer cells
J Mol Endocrinol 2005 34: 553-566. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

D Bouton, H Escriva, R L de Mendonça, C Glineur, B Bertin, C Noël, M Robinson-Rechavi, A de Groot, J Cornette, V Laudet, and R J Pierce
A conserved retinoid X receptor (RXR) from the mollusk Biomphalaria glabrata transactivates transcription in the presence of retinoids
J Mol Endocrinol 2005 34: 567-582. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

Z Alourfi, R P Donn, A Stevens, A Berry, A McMaster, and D W Ray
Glucocorticoids suppress macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) expression in a cell-type-specific manner
J Mol Endocrinol 2005 34: 583-595. [Abstract] [Full Text]  

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