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Contents: June 2004, Volume 32, Number 3   [Index by Author]       Other Issues:  
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Q Wu, XF Lin, XF Ye, B Zhang, Z Xie, and WJ Su
Ubiquitinated or sumoylated retinoic acid receptor alpha determines its characteristic and interacting model with retinoid X receptor alpha in gastric and breast cancer cells
J Mol Endocrinol 2004 32: 595-613. [Abstract] [PDF]  

A Okada, Y Ohta, SL Brody, H Watanabe, A Krust, P Chambon, and T Iguchi
Role of foxj1 and estrogen receptor alpha in ciliated epithelial cell differentiation of the neonatal oviduct
J Mol Endocrinol 2004 32: 615-625. [Abstract] [PDF]  

MO Huising, Metz, JR, C van Schooten, AJ Taverne-Thiele, T Hermsen, BM Verburg-van Kemenade, and G Flik
Structural characterisation of a cyprinid (Cyprinus carpio L.) CRH, CRH-BP and CRH-R1, and the role of these proteins in the acute stress response
J Mol Endocrinol 2004 32: 627-648. [Abstract] [PDF]  

A Inoue, Y Omoto, Y Yamaguchi, R Kiyama, and SI Hayashi
Transcription factor EGR3 is involved in the estrogen-signaling pathway in breast cancer cells
J Mol Endocrinol 2004 32: 649-661. [Abstract] [PDF]  

S Miyagawa, A Suzuki, Y Katsu, M Kobayashi, M Goto, H Handa, H Watanabe, and T Iguchi
Persistent gene expression in mouse vagina exposed neonatally to diethylstilbestrol
J Mol Endocrinol 2004 32: 663-677. [Abstract] [PDF]  

S Lumbroso, A Wagschal, W Bourguet, V Georget, I Mazen, N Servant, F Audran, C Sultan, and G Auzou
A new mutation of the androgen receptor, P817A, causing partial androgen insensitivity syndrome: in vitro and structural analysis
J Mol Endocrinol 2004 32: 679-687. [Abstract] [PDF]  

JG Lemmen, RJ Arends, AL van Boxtel, PT van der Saag, and B van der Burg
Tissue- and time-dependent estrogen receptor activation in estrogen reporter mice
J Mol Endocrinol 2004 32: 689-701. [Abstract] [PDF]  

JE Sierens, GA Scobie, J Wilson, and PT Saunders
Cloning of oestrogen receptor beta from Old and New World primates: identification of splice variants and functional analysis
J Mol Endocrinol 2004 32: 703-718. [Abstract] [PDF]  

L Cicatiello, C Scafoglio, L Altucci, M Cancemi, G Natoli, A Facchiano, G Iazzetti, R Calogero, N Biglia, M De Bortoli, C Sfiligoi, P Sismondi, F Bresciani, and A Weisz
A genomic view of estrogen actions in human breast cancer cells by expression profiling of the hormone-responsive transcriptome
J Mol Endocrinol 2004 32: 719-775. [Abstract] [PDF]  

M Maggiolini, AG Recchia, A Carpino, A Vivacqua, G Fasanella, V Rago, V Pezzi, PA Briand, D Picard, and S Ando
Oestrogen receptor beta is required for androgen-stimulated proliferation of LNCaP prostate cancer cells
J Mol Endocrinol 2004 32: 777-791. [Abstract] [PDF]  

MA Greeve, RK Allan, JM Harvey, and JM Bentel
Inhibition of MCF-7 breast cancer cell proliferation by 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone; a role for p21(Cip1/Waf1)
J Mol Endocrinol 2004 32: 793-810. [Abstract] [PDF]  

A Blondet, M Doghman, P Durand, M Begeot, and D Naville
An E-box-containing region is involved in the tissue-specific expression of the human MC2R gene
J Mol Endocrinol 2004 32: 811-823. [Abstract] [PDF]  

M Tirard, J Jasbinsek, OF Almeida, and TM Michaelidis
The manifold actions of the protein inhibitor of activated STAT proteins on the transcriptional activity of mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid receptors in neural cells
J Mol Endocrinol 2004 32: 825-841. [Abstract] [PDF]  

X Dong, Challis, JR, and SJ Lye
Intramolecular interactions between the AF3 domain and the C-terminus of the human progesterone receptor are mediated through two LXXLL motifs
J Mol Endocrinol 2004 32: 843-857. [Abstract] [PDF]  

BS Schutt, M Langkamp, U Rauschnabel, MB Ranke, and MW Elmlinger
Integrin-mediated action of insulin-like growth factor binding protein-2 in tumor cells
J Mol Endocrinol 2004 32: 859-868. [Abstract] [PDF]  

MR Nicol, VJ Cobb, BC Williams, SD Morley, SW Walker, and JI Mason
Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) stimulates cortisol secretion from the H295 human adrenocortical tumour cell line via VPAC1 receptors
J Mol Endocrinol 2004 32: 869-877. [Abstract] [PDF]  

L Lundholm, S Moverare, KR Steffensen, M Nilsson, M Otsuki, C Ohlsson, JA Gustafsson, and K Dahlman-Wright
Gene expression profiling identifies liver X receptor alpha as an estrogen-regulated gene in mouse adipose tissue
J Mol Endocrinol 2004 32: 879-892. [Abstract] [PDF]  

RH Foster
Reciprocal influences between the signalling pathways regulating proliferation and steroidogenesis in adrenal glomerulosa cells
J Mol Endocrinol 2004 32: 893-902. [Abstract] [PDF]  

M Baryshev, E Sargsyan, G Wallin, A Lejnieks, S Furudate, A Hishinuma, and S Mkrtchian
Unfolded protein response is involved in the pathology of human congenital hypothyroid goiter and rat non-goitrous congenital hypothyroidism
J Mol Endocrinol 2004 32: 903-920. [Abstract] [PDF]  

DM Hollis, FW Goetz, SB Roberts, and SK Boyd
Acute neurosteroid modulation and subunit isolation of the gamma-aminobutyric acidA receptor in the bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana
J Mol Endocrinol 2004 32: 921-934. [Abstract] [PDF]  

F Han, R Miksicek, R Clarke, and SE Conrad
Expression of an estrogen receptor variant lacking exon 3 in derivatives of MCF-7 cells with acquired estrogen independence or tamoxifen resistance
J Mol Endocrinol 2004 32: 935-945. [Abstract] [PDF]  

Q Xu, N Walther, and H Jiang
Chicken ovalbumin upstream promoter transcription factor II (COUP-TFII) and hepatocyte nuclear factor 4gamma (HNF-4gamma) and HNF-4alpha regulate the bovine growth hormone receptor 1A promoter through a common DNA element
J Mol Endocrinol 2004 32: 947-961. [Abstract] [PDF]  

Y Hidaka and M Suzuki
Identification and tissue distribution of mRNAs encoding salmon-type calcitonins-IV and -V in the rainbow trout
J Mol Endocrinol 2004 32: 963-974. [Abstract] [PDF]  

A Menuet, Y Le Page, O Torres, L Kern, O Kah, and F Pakdel
Analysis of the estrogen regulation of the zebrafish estrogen receptor (ER) reveals distinct effects of ERalpha, ERbeta1 and ERbeta2
J Mol Endocrinol 2004 32: 975-986. [Abstract] [PDF]  

NT Peekhaus, T Chang, EC Hayes, HA Wilkinson, SW Mitra, JM Schaeffer, and SP Rohrer
Distinct effects of the antiestrogen Faslodex on the stability of estrogen receptors-alpha and -beta in the breast cancer cell line MCF-7
J Mol Endocrinol 2004 32: 987-995. [Abstract] [PDF]  

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