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Contents: June 1995, Volume 14, Number 3   [Index by Author]       Other Issues:  
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V Bozon, JJ Remy, E Pajot-Augy, L Couture, G Biache, M Severini, and R Salesse
Influence of promoter and signal peptide on the expression and secretion of recombinant porcine LH extracellular domain in baculovirus/lepidopteran cells or the caterpillar system
J Mol Endocrinol 1995 14: 277-284. [Abstract]  

M Castren, T Trapp, B Berninger, E Castren, and F Holsboer
Transcriptional induction of rat mineralocorticoid receptor gene in neurones by corticosteroids
J Mol Endocrinol 1995 14: 285-293. [Abstract]  

SA Gray, MA Mannan, and PJ O'Shaughnessy
Development of cytochrome P450 aromatase mRNA levels and enzyme activity in ovaries of normal and hypogonadal (hpg) mice
J Mol Endocrinol 1995 14: 295-301. [Abstract]  

GC Inglis, CJ Kenyon, C Szpirer, K Klinga-Levan, RG Sutcliffe, and JM Connell
Microsatellite polymorphism analysis allows the individual assignment of the rat 11 beta-hydroxylase gene (Cyp11b1) and the rat aldosterone synthase gene (Cyp11b2) to chromosome 7 using rat x mouse somatic cell hybrids and identifies differences between and within various rat strains
J Mol Endocrinol 1995 14: 303-311. [Abstract]  

DS Kim, JH Yoon, SK Ahn, KE Kim, RH Seong, SH Hong, K Kim, K Ryu, and SD Park
A 33 kDa Pit-1-like protein binds to the distal region of the human thyrotrophin alpha-subunit gene
J Mol Endocrinol 1995 14: 313-322. [Abstract]  

F Lu, K Yang, VK Han, and Challis, JR
Expression, distribution, regulation and function of IGFs in the ovine fetal pituitary
J Mol Endocrinol 1995 14: 323-336. [Abstract]  

H Cao, ZM Lei, and CV Rao
Consequences of antisense human chorionic gonadotrophin-alpha subunit cDNA expression in human choriocarcinoma JAR cells
J Mol Endocrinol 1995 14: 337-347. [Abstract]  

AG Schuller, JW van Neck, RW Beukenholdt, EC Zwarthoff, and SL Drop
IGF, type I IGF receptor and IGF-binding protein mRNA expression in the developing mouse lung
J Mol Endocrinol 1995 14: 349-355. [Abstract]  

C Wechselberger and G Kreil
Structure of two cDNAs encoding cholecystokinin precursors from the brain of Xenopus laevis
J Mol Endocrinol 1995 14: 357-364. [Abstract]  

S Marsigliante, A Muscella, V Ciardo, Puddefoot, JR, G Leo, GP Vinson, and C Storelli
Multiple isoforms of the oestrogen receptor in endometrial cancer
J Mol Endocrinol 1995 14: 365-374. [Abstract]  

C Ventra, O Meucci, M Grimaldi, A Scorziello, A Porcellini, and G Schettini
Absence of D2S dopamine receptor in the prolactin-secreting MMQ pituitary clone: characterization of a wild D2L receptor coupled to native transduction mechanisms
J Mol Endocrinol 1995 14: 375-389. [Abstract]  

SY James, AG Mackay, and KW Colston
Vitamin D derivatives in combination with 9-cis retinoic acid promote active cell death in breast cancer cells
J Mol Endocrinol 1995 14: 391-394. [Abstract]  

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