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Contents: June 1994, Volume 12, Number 3   [Index by Author]       Other Issues:  
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C Austin, M Oka, KA Nandha, S Legon, N Khandan-Nia, G Lo, and SR Bloom
Distribution and developmental pattern of neuromedin U expression in the rat gastrointestinal tract
J Mol Endocrinol 1994 12: 257-263. [Abstract]  

J Gromoll, T Ried, H Holtgreve-Grez, E Nieschlag, and T Gudermann
Localization of the human FSH receptor to chromosome 2 p21 using a genomic probe comprising exon 10
J Mol Endocrinol 1994 12: 265-271. [Abstract]  

CS Hawes, MW McBride, A Petropoulos, UW Mueller, and RG Sutcliffe
Epitopic heterogeneity of human 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase in villous and extravillous human trophoblast
J Mol Endocrinol 1994 12: 273-281. [Abstract]  

ZH Huang, PE Clayton, G Brady, and ID Morris
Insulin-like growth factor-I gene expression in human granulosa-lutein cells
J Mol Endocrinol 1994 12: 283-291. [Abstract]  

SE Mau, T Saermark, and H Vilhardt
Translocation of protein kinase C isozymes in lactotroph-enriched rat anterior pituitary cell cultures: differential effects of substance P and phorbol ester
J Mol Endocrinol 1994 12: 293-302. [Abstract]  

CJ Newton, T Trapp, U Pagotto, U Renner, R Buric, and GK Stalla
The oestrogen receptor modulates growth of pituitary tumour cells in the absence of exogenous oestrogen
J Mol Endocrinol 1994 12: 303-312. [Abstract]  

IC Pascall, MA Surani, SC Barton, TJ Vaughan, and KD Brown
Directed expression of simian virus 40 T-antigen in transgenic mice using the epidermal growth factor gene promoter
J Mol Endocrinol 1994 12: 313-325. [Abstract]  

M Schrader, KM Muller, M Becker-Andre, and C Carlberg
Response element selectivity for heterodimerization of vitamin D receptors with retinoic acid and retinoid X receptors
J Mol Endocrinol 1994 12: 327-339. [Abstract]  

F Stewart, CA Power, SN Lennard, WR Allen, L Amet, and RM Edwards
Identification of the horse epidermal growth factor (EGF) coding sequence and its use in monitoring EGF gene expression in the endometrium of the pregnant mare
J Mol Endocrinol 1994 12: 341-350. [Abstract]  

LS Tashima, G Mazoujian, and GD Bryant-Greenwood
Human relaxins in normal, benign and neoplastic breast tissue
J Mol Endocrinol 1994 12: 351-364. [Abstract]  

M Gardiner-Garden and M Frommer
Transcripts and CpG islands associated with the pro-opiomelanocortin gene and other neurally expressed genes
J Mol Endocrinol 1994 12: 365-382. [Abstract]  

To see an article, click its [Full Text] link. To review many abstracts, check the boxes to the left of the titles you want, and click the 'Get All Checked Abstract(s)' button. To see one abstract at a time, click its [Abstract] link.

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