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Contents: April 1993, Volume 10, Number 2   [Index by Author]       Other Issues:  
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SE Chadio and FA Antoni
Specific oxytocin agonist stimulates prolactin release but has no effect on inositol phosphate accumulation in isolated rat anterior pituitary cells
J Mol Endocrinol 1993 10: 107-114. [Abstract]  

R Eshet, H Werner, B Klinger, A Silbergeld, Z Laron, D LeRoith, and Roberts CT, Jr
Up-regulation of insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) receptor gene expression in patients with reduced serum IGF-I levels
J Mol Endocrinol 1993 10: 115-120. [Abstract]  

MC Hammond-Kosack, MW Kilpatrick, and K Docherty
The human insulin gene-linked polymorphic region adopts a G-quartet structure in chromatin assembled in vitro
J Mol Endocrinol 1993 10: 121-126. [Abstract]  

GC Huang, MJ Page, LB Nicholson, KS Collison, AM McGregor, and JP Banga
The thyrotrophin hormone receptor of Graves' disease: overexpression of the extracellular domain in insect cells using recombinant baculovirus, immunoaffinity purification and analysis of autoantibody binding
J Mol Endocrinol 1993 10: 127-142. [Abstract]  

M Keaveney, MG Parker, and F Gannon
Identification of a functional role for the 3' region of the human oestrogen receptor gene
J Mol Endocrinol 1993 10: 143-152. [Abstract]  

JT Lakkakorpi, EM Pietila, JT Aatsinki, and HJ Rajaniemi
Human chorionic gonadotrophin (CG)-induced down-regulation of the rat luteal LH/CG receptor results in part from the down-regulation of its synthesis, involving increased alternative processing of the primary transcript
J Mol Endocrinol 1993 10: 153-162. [Abstract]  

LJ Millatt, R Jackson, BC Williams, and GS Whitley
Nitric oxide stimulates cyclic GMP in human thyrocytes
J Mol Endocrinol 1993 10: 163-169. [Abstract]  

TL Ott, Y Zhou, MA Mirando, C Stevens, JP Harney, TF Ogle, and FW Bazer
Changes in progesterone and oestrogen receptor mRNA and protein during maternal recognition of pregnancy and luteolysis in ewes
J Mol Endocrinol 1993 10: 171-183. [Abstract]  

MA Mirando, JP Harney, Y Zhou, TF Ogle, TL Ott, RJ Moffatt, and FW Bazer
Changes in progesterone and oestrogen receptor mRNA and protein and oxytocin receptors in endometrium of ewes after intrauterine injection of ovine trophoblast interferon
J Mol Endocrinol 1993 10: 185-192. [Abstract]  

JP Revelli, P Muzzin, A Paoloni, M Moinat, and JP Giacobino
Expression of the beta 3-adrenergic receptor in human white adipose tissue
J Mol Endocrinol 1993 10: 193-197. [Abstract]  

RE Sellar, PL Taylor, RF Lamb, J Zabavnik, L Anderson, and KA Eidne
Functional expression and molecular characterization of the thyrotrophin-releasing hormone receptor from the rat anterior pituitary gland
J Mol Endocrinol 1993 10: 199-206. [Abstract]  

RM Senaris, MD Lewis, F Lago, F Dominguez, MF Scanlon, and C Dieguez
Effects of free fatty acids on somatostatin secretion, content and mRNA levels in cortical and hypothalamic fetal rat neurones in monolayer culture
J Mol Endocrinol 1993 10: 207-214. [Abstract]  

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